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(2730) Proposal to conserve the name Anacardium humile against A. mediterraneum (Anacardiaceae)
TAXON ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-28 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12190
José Floriano Barêa Pastore 1 , José Rubens Pirani 2

(2730) Anacardium humile A. St.‐Hil. in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 23: 272. Jul 1831 [Angiosp.: Anacard.], nom. cons. prop.

Typus: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Sep 1817, Saint‐Hilaire B1‐1756 (P barcode P02274469!; isotypi: P barcodes P02274470 & P02274471).

(=) Anacardium mediterraneum Vell., Fl. Flumin.: 163. 7 Sep–28 Nov 1829, nom. rej. prop.

Lectotypus (hic designatus): [icon ined.] “Enneand. Monog. ANACARDIUM mediterraneum Tab. 46” (Manuscript Sect., Bibliot. Nac., Rio de Janeiro No. I‐17, 02, 002; mss1198653_044).

In our review of a set of names described by Vellozo in his Flora Fluminensis (1829) and its associated Icones, the name Anacardium mediterraneum Vell. (Fl. Flumin.: 163. 1829) has been unquestionably identified as applying to the species with the well‐known name Anacardium humile A. St.‐Hil. (in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 23: 272. 1831). Therefore, and strictly applying Art. 11.4 of the Shenzhen Code (Turland & al. in Regnum Veg. 159. 2018), A. mediterraneum is the correct name for the species currently known as A. humile. This species is broadly distributed in central savannas of South America, occurring in Brazil from the state of Maranhão in the north‐east to the northern part of the state of Paraná in the south and extending to south‐eastern Bolivia and Paraguay, being especially abundant in the Cerrado in the narrow sense. The name A. humile was first lectotypified by Mitchell & Mori (in Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 42: 48. 1987), who designated “Brazil. Minas Gerais: 1816–1821 (fl.), St.‐Hilaire 1956”, with both the lectotype and an isolectotype stated to be at P but without distinguishing between them, although the specimen P02274469 was annotated by Mitchell in 1988 as the lectotype. In fact there are three specimens at P of this Saint‐Hilaire gathering. The number “1956”, which appears on labels of P02274469 and P02274470, does not match the field number entry “1756” for Anacardium humile (from Saint‐Hilaire's field book B1). However, the number 1756 appears on very small pieces of paper attached to the specimens P02274470 and P02274471 (see Fig. 1). These originally had the number “1556”, but the first “5” was overwritten with a “7” to read “1756”, but the final result of this change was that the number resembled “1956” and that was written on the printed labels. As there is no published selection of a single specimen as lectotype, as a second‐step lectotypification, Saint‐Hilaire B1‐1756 [1956], P barcode P02274469, is designated here as lectotype for Anacadrium humile.

Figure 1
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Portions of the isolectotypes of Anacardium humile, showing, attached to the specimens, the small paper tags with the collection number.

Anacardium humile is well known to Brazilians and is emblematic of the Brazilian Cerrado. Its several common names, e.g., cajuí (indigenous name for small cashew), cajuzinho‐do‐cerrado (Brazilian Portuguese for savanna cashew), caju‐do‐campo (grassland‐cashew), are already found in Saint‐Hilaire's field book (kept in P, available at http://hvsh.cria.org.br/works) annotations (book B1, unpaged) of the Brazilian expedition of 1817. The fruit of A. humile is an important element of local cultural and culinary traditions. Its swollen fleshy peduncle, not uncommon at local markets in several states of Central Brazil, is eaten raw or used to prepare juice, jams, and candied fruit. Being a widely adopted name, a disruption in the nomenclatural tradition of using A. humile would be greatly disadvantageous. It has been used for nearly two centuries in hundreds of publications on ecology, agronomy, ethnobotany, and anthropology.

Mitchell & Mori (l.c.: 38–39) designated as lectotype of A. mediterraneum “Tabula 46 in Vellozo” (i.e., Vellozo, Fl. Flumin. Icon. 4: t. 46. 29 Oct 1831). However, as Vellozo died in 1811 and as the plates for Flora Fluminensis did not arrive in Brazil from Paris until at least 1827 and also were not published with the protologue, the published plates do not represent original material (Art. 9.4) for A. mediterraneum. Mitchell & Mori's selection is, therefore, to be corrected to a neotypification under Art. 9.10. However, the original drawing for plate 46 exists on parchment in the Manuscript Section of the Biblioteca Nacional in Rio de Janeiro and this does represent original material. Accordingly, Mitchell & Mori's neotypification is to be superseded under Art. 9.19(a) by selection of the original drawing as lectotype, which we have done above.

Even although A. mediterraneum Vell. has been treated hitherto as a synonym of A. occidentale L. (Mitchell & Mori, l.c.: 38), we strongly reject this view on the basis of evidence discussed below.

The identification of Vellozo's plate of A. mediterraneum as A. humile instead of A. occidentale is strongly supported by its geographic distribution and habitat details (see below), as well as by such morphological features as the elongate and prostrate (mostly underground) stem system (“caule meandrico‐repente”), leaf blade form (usually oblanceolate, with an attenuated base), and long peduncle (to 14 cm). Anacardium occidentale, in contrast, is a well‐branched tree with a distinct aerial trunk, with mostly broadly obovate leaves with a cuneate or obtuse base, and with conspicuously shorter peduncles (1–6 cm long).

Vellozo's original collection has never being located (Carauta in Vellozia 7: 26–33. 1969; Lima in Acta Bot. Brasil. 9: 123–146. 1995; Pastore in Phytotaxa 108: 41–48. 2013). However, some of Vellozo's original collection localities include a small portion of savanna in the municipality of Cunha, in the mountainous areas along the boundaries of the Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo States. That area is tentatively associated here with Vellozo's term “Mediterraneis” (in the sense of being in the middle of the “country side”, far away from the sea shore). Vellozo's habitat notes for A. mediterraneum (“Habitat campis apricis mediterraneis inter gramina”) suggest a savanna environment, clearly contrasting with the mostly coastal forest habitat of A. occidentale, the only other species of the genus known at the time. The occurrence of grassland vegetation on top of coastal mountains that are mostly covered by moist forests in south‐eastern Brazil is well documented in the literature (e.g., Behling in Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 177: 19–27. 2001; Garcia & Pirani in Hoehnea 30: 217–241. 2003; Safford in J. Biogeogr. 34: 1701–1722. 2007; Garcia & al. in Revista Brasil. Bot. 32: 703–713. 2009).

Besides A. humile, two other shrubby species of the genus are found in the Brazilian Cerrado: A. nanum A. St.‐Hil. and A. corymbosum Barb. Rodr. According to Mitchell & Mori (l.c.: 23), the latter is endemic to south‐central Mato Grosso, while the former is restricted to central Goiás and the Distrito Federal and to central and western Minas Gerais to the south, distributional areas far away from where A. mediterraneum was originally described. The latter area is, however, part of the known range of A. humile (see records and a map in Mitchell & Mori, l.c.: 23, 48, 50). Additionally, several morphological features of these other two Cerrado species, such as their usually auriculate leaf bases, make them quite distinct from A. humile.

Considering the above, we propose, by conserving A. humile against A. mediterraneum, to maintain the former as the correct name for this historically widely known taxon with the broadest distribution among all shrubby species of the genus.


(2730)关于保留拟南芥Anacardiium反对A. mediterraneum(Anacardiaceae)的提案

(2730)Anacardium humile A.St.Hil。在安 科学 纳特 (巴黎)23:272。1831年7月[Angiosp .: Anacard。],NOM。缺点 支柱。

伤寒:巴西,米纳斯吉拉斯州,1817年9月,Saint-Hilaire B1-1756(P条码P02274469 !;同型异型:P条码P02274470和P02274471)。

(=)拟心无花果Vell。,Fl。Flumin .:163。1829年9月7日至11月28日,标价。rej。支柱。

Lectotypus(hic designatus): [icon ined。]“ Enneand。物语 腰果Mediterraneum酒店标签。46”(《手抄报》,国家图书馆,里约热内卢,第I-17、02、002号; mss1198653_044)。

在我们对Vellozo在其Flora Fluminensis(1829)中描述的一组名称及其相关的Icones的回顾中,其名称为Anacardium mediterraneum Vell。(Fl。Flumin .: 163. 1829)无疑已被确认适用于具有著名名称Anacardium humile A. St.Hil的物种。(《巴黎科学报》 23:272. 1831)。因此,严格应用艺术。《深圳规范》第11.4(Turland等人在Regnum Veg.159.2018中)中,地中海曲霉是目前被称为A. humile的物种的正确名称。该物种广泛分布于南美中部大草原,从巴西的马拉尼昂州到南部巴拉那州的北部,分布在巴西南部,延伸到玻利维亚和巴拉圭东南部,特别丰富。在狭义上是塞拉多。humile这个名字最早是由Mitchell&Mori(1987年在纽约Bot。Gard。42:48.的记忆中)选择的,被命名为“巴西。米纳斯吉拉斯州(Minas Gerais):1816-1821(fl。),圣希勒尔1956尽管标本P02274469于1988年由米切尔(Mitchell)注释为电选型,但电选型和同型电选型均标明为P,但没有区别。实际上,在此圣希勒尔聚会的P处有三个标本。P02274469和P02274470的标签上显示的数字“ 1956”与Anacardium humile的字段号条目“ 1756”不匹配(摘自Saint-Hilaire的田径本B1)。但是,数字1756出现在附着在样本P02274470和P02274471上的很小的纸上(见图1)。它们最初的编号为“ 1556”,但第一个“ 5”被“ 7”覆盖以表示“ 1756”,但最终的结果是该数字类似于“ 1956”,并印在了印刷品上标签。由于没有公开选择单个标本作为选型,因此作为第二步选型Saint-Hilaire B1-1756 [1956],P条形码P02274469,在此指定洋槐的选型

Anacardium humile等位基因型的部分,在标本上显示带有收集号的小纸标签。

Anacardium humile是巴西人熟知的象征,是巴西Cerrado的象征。它的几种通用名称,例如,cajuí(小腰果的原名),cajuzinho-do-cerrado(巴西大草原腰果的葡萄牙语),caju-do-campo(草原腰果),已经在圣希勒尔的田野书中找到(保留在P中,可在http://hvsh.cria.org.br/works上找到。此注释是1817年巴西探险队的注释(书籍B1,未分页)。A. humile是当地文化和烹饪传统的重要元素。它的膨大的肉质花序梗在巴西中部几个州的当地市场上并不罕见,可以生吃或用来调制果汁,果酱和蜜饯。作为一个被广泛采用的名称,使用A. humile的命名传统的破坏将是非常不利的。在有关生态学,农学,民族植物学和人类学的数百种出版物中,已经使用了近两个世纪。

Mitchell&Mori(lc:38–39)被指定为地中海曲霉“ Vellozo的Tabula 46”的选型(即Vellozo,Fl。Flumin。Icon。4:t。46. 1831年10月29日)。但是,由于韦洛佐(Vellozo)于1811年去世,而Flora Fluminensis的印版直到1827年才从巴黎到达巴西,并且也没有随序出版,因此出版的印版并不代表A的原始材料(第9.4条)。 terra。因此,Mitchell&Mori的选择将根据艺术进行更正,以进行新类型化。9.10。但是,第46板的原始图纸存在于里约热内卢国家图书馆的手稿部分的羊皮纸上,并且确实代表了原始材料。因此,Mitchell&Mori的新类型化将被Art取代。9.19(a)通过选择原始图作为选型,我们已经在上面完成了。

即使A. mediterraneum Vell。迄今为止,它已被视为A. occidentale L.(Mitchell&Mori,lc:38)的同义词,基于以下讨论的证据,我们强烈反对这种观点。

Vellozo的A. meterraterraneum板块被识别为A. humile而不是A. occidentale,这得益于其地理分布和栖息地的详细信息(见下文),以及细长和pro状(主要是地下)茎等形态特征系统(“ caule meandrico-repente”),叶片形式(通常为倒针形,基部减弱)和长花序梗(至14厘米)。相反,西洋参无心果树是一棵分支良好的树,具有明显的空中树干,多数为宽倒卵形的叶,具楔形或钝的基部,并且花序梗明显较短(1–6 cm长)。

Vellozo的原始收藏从未被找到(Vellozia的Carauta 7:26-33。1969;巴西Acta Bot。的Lima 9:123-146。1995; Phytotaxa的Pastore 108:41-48。2013)。但是,韦洛佐(Vellozo)的一些原始收藏地区包括库纳(Cunha)市的一小片热带稀树草原,位于里约热内卢和圣保罗州边界的山区。该区域在此暂时与Vellozo的“地中海”一词联系在一起(从某种意义上说,它位于“乡村”的中间,远离海边)。韦洛佐(Vellozo)的A. mediterraneum(“人居地栖息地”)的栖息地记录暗示着稀树草原的环境,这与大部分沿海森林栖息地形成鲜明对比。o Accidentale,当时已知的唯一属。在巴西东南部,沿海山顶上大部分被潮湿森林覆盖的草地植被的发生已在文献中得到了充分的记录(例如,Behling in Palaeogeogr。Palaeoclimatol。Palaeoecol。177:19–27。2001; Garcia&Pirani见Hoehnea 30:217-241。2003; Safford于J. Biogeogr。34:1701-1722。2007; Garcia等人在Revista Brasil。Bot。32:703-713。2009)。

除了A. humile,属其他两个品种灌木在巴西的塞拉多发现:A. nanum A.圣HIL。和A. corymbosum倒钩。罗德 根据Mitchell&Mori(lc:23)的说法,后者是马托格罗索州中南部的特有种,而前者只限于戈亚斯州中部和Distrito Federal,南部则限于中南部米纳斯吉拉斯州,分布区域远离最初描述地中海曲霉的地方。但是,后者是已知的A. humile范围的一部分(请参见Mitchell&Mori,lc:23,48,50中的记录和地图)。此外,这两个其他塞拉多物种的几种形态特征,例如通常具无耳叶基的叶基,使它们与A. humile截然不同。

考虑到上述情况,我们建议通过保护人草(A. humile)与中生土壤杆菌A. mediterraneum),来保持前者作为此历史上广为人知的分类单元的正确名称,该分类单元在所有灌木类中分布最广。
