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Dentronics: Towards robotics and artificial intelligence in dentistry.
Dental Materials ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2020.03.021
Jasmin Grischke 1 , Lars Johannsmeier 2 , Lukas Eich 1 , Leif Griga 1 , Sami Haddadin 2

OBJECTIVES This paper provides an overview of existing applications and concepts of robotic systems and artificial intelligence in dentistry. This review aims to provide the community with novel inputs and argues for an increased utilization of these recent technological developments, referred to as Dentronics, in order to advance dentistry. METHODS First, background on developments in robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are reviewed that may enable novel assistive applications in dentistry (Sec A). Second, a systematic technology review that evaluates existing state-of-the-art applications in AI, ML and robotics in the context of dentistry is presented (Sec B). RESULTS A systematic literature research in pubmed yielded in a total of 558 results. 41 studies related to ML, 53 studies related to AI and 49 original research papers on robotics application in dentistry were included. ML and AI have been applied in dental research to analyze large amounts of data to eventually support dental decision making, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning with the help of data-driven analysis algorithms based on machine learning. So far, only few robotic applications have made it to reality, mostly restricted to pilot use cases. SIGNIFICANCE The authors believe that dentistry can greatly benefit from the current rise of digital human-centered automation and be transformed towards a new robotic, ML and AI-enabled era. In the future, Dentronics will enhance reliability, reproducibility, accuracy and efficiency in dentistry through the democratized use of modern dental technologies, such as medical robot systems and specialized artificial intelligence. Dentronics will increase our understanding of disease pathogenesis, improve risk-assessment-strategies, diagnosis, disease prediction and finally lead to better treatment outcomes.



目的本文概述了牙科机器人系统和人工智能的现有应用和概念。这项审查旨在为社区提供新颖的意见,并主张增加利用这些被称为Dentronics的最新技术发展水平,以促进牙科发展。方法首先,回顾一下机器人技术,人工智能(AI)和机器学习(ML)的发展背景,这些背景可能会在牙科领域实现新颖的辅助应用(Sec A)。其次,提出了系统的技术综述,以评估牙科领域中AI,ML和机器人技术中的现有最新技术(B节)。结果在公开发表的系统文献研究中总共获得558个结果。与ML相关的41个研究,包括53项与AI相关的研究和49篇有关牙科机器人应用的原始研究论文。ML和AI已用于牙科研究中,以分析大量数据,最终借助基于机器学习的数据驱动分析算法来支持牙科决策,诊断,预后和治疗计划。到目前为止,只有极少数的机器人应用程序使它成为现实,其中大多数仅限于试验用例。重要性作者认为,牙科可以从当前以人为中心的数字自动化兴起中受益匪浅,并可以转变为机器人,机器学习和人工智能时代。将来,Dentronics将通过民主使用现代牙科技术来提高牙科的可靠性,可重复性,准确性和效率,例如医疗机器人系统和专门的人工智能。Dentronics将增进我们对疾病发病机理的了解,改善风险评估策略,诊断,疾病预测,并最终带来更好的治疗效果。