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Do the relationships between testate amoebae and fungi reflect the variability of past water table fluctuations in the ombrotrophic peatlands of Central Europe?
The Holocene ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-27 , DOI: 10.1177/0959683620913927
Piotr Kołaczek 1 , Monika Karpińska-Kołaczek 1, 2 , Mariusz Gałka 3 , Grażyna Miotk-Szpiganowicz 4 , Milena Obremska 5 , Mariusz Lamentowicz 1

In this article, we examined the indicative value of a relationship between two non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs), fungal HdV-10, related to the presence of Calluna vulgaris, and HdV-31A, which is testate amoeba – Archerella flavum. Both are frequently present on slides designated for pollen analysis, prepared from Sphagnum peat. We analysed three profiles from three extensive ombrotrophic peatlands in northern Poland, in which the content of testate amoebae (TA) was examined and TA-inferred depth to the water table (DWT) was reconstructed. The new analysis of palynological samples regarding NPPs revealed that strong increases in HdV-10 content were mostly simultaneous to HdV-31A declines. However, the relations between both types were not statistically significant. The rapid increases in HdV-10, despite the fact that this type of conidiospores is related to drier habitats on peatlands, were tentatively interpreted as an indicator of rapid rises in the water table level which, in consequence, might have stimulated the production of these spores by fungi. In addition, a negative correlation between HdV-31A and Arcella discoides and positive one, but weaker, in case of HdV-10 (attributed by some authors to species Trichocladium opacum (Corda) S Hughes) and A. discoides show a link between mutual fluctuations of both NPPs and hydrological instabilities on peatland. The Bagno Kusowo bog, the westernmost peatland subjected to the study, displayed an intriguing agreement between the presence of peat sections with strong increases in HdV-10 and cold climate events affecting Europe. Our study reveals that counting even a limited number of NPP types during the standard pollen analysis of Sphagnum peat may support the interpretation of results, especially, in cases when the investigation lacks testate amoeba analysis. When the reconstruction of TA-inferred DWT is provided, it may introduce additional information about the patterns of hydrological dynamics.



在本文中,我们研究了两种非花粉孢粉体 (NPP)、真菌 HdV-10(与 Ca​​lluna vulgaris 的存在相关)和 HdV-31A(即遗嘱变形虫 - Archerella flavum)之间关系的指示值。两者都经常出现在指定用于花粉分析的载玻片上,这些载玻片由泥炭泥炭制备。我们分析了来自波兰北部三个广泛的 ombrotrophic 泥炭地的三个剖面,其中检查了遗嘱变形虫 (TA) 的含量,并重建了 TA 推断的地下水位深度 (DWT)。对 NPP 孢粉学样本的新分析表明,HdV-10 含量的大幅增加大多与 HdV-31A 的下降同时发生。然而,这两种类型之间的关系在统计学上并不显着。HdV-10 的迅速增加,尽管这种类型的分生孢子与泥炭地较干燥的栖息地有关,但暂时被解释为地下水位快速上升的指标,因此可能刺激了真菌产生这些孢子。此外,HdV-31A 和 Arcella discoides 之间的负相关和正相关,但在 HdV-10 的情况下较弱(一些作者归因于物种 Trichocladium opacum (Corda) S Hughes)和 A. discoides 显示相互之间的联系泥炭地 NPPs 和水文不稳定性的波动。Bagno Kusowo 沼泽是受该研究影响的最西部泥炭地,在泥炭部分的存在与 HdV-10 的强烈增加与影响欧洲的寒冷气候事件之间显示出一种有趣的一致性。我们的研究表明,在泥炭的标准花粉分析过程中,即使计算有限数量的 NPP 类型也可能支持结果的解释,特别是在调查缺乏遗嘱变形虫分析的情况下。当提供 TA 推断 DWT 的重建时,它可能会引入有关水文动力学模式的附加信息。