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Feasibility of manual white blood cell counts as a predictor of neonatal sepsis in a low-resource setting.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-24 , DOI: 10.1093/trstmh/traa023
Christian N Golding 1, 2, 3 , Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer 1, 3, 4 , Lilica Sanca 1 , Clara Clipet-Jensen 3 , Christine S Benn 1, 3, 4 , Nicholas Au 5 , Kate Chipperfield 5 , Tobias R Kollmann 6 , Nelly A Amenyogbe 7

BACKGROUND Manual white blood cell (WBC) differential counts as a predictor for neonatal sepsis development in a low-resource setting have not been thoroughly evaluated. We hypothesized that manual differentiation (specifically immature:total [I:T] neutrophil ratios) would be feasible and useful as an adjunct to predict early-onset neonatal sepsis (EONS). Secondarily, we hypothesized that vaccination with bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and oral polio vaccine (OPV) could alter WBC differential counts and thus might reduce its predictive performance. METHODS We performed a prospective cohort study within a randomized trial, randomizing healthy, high-risk newborns admitted to the nursery at the national hospital in Guinea-Bissau 1:1 to BCG+OPV at admission or at discharge (usual practice). Thin capillary blood films were prepared at 2 d of age in a subset of 268 neonates. WBC counts were assessed by microscopy and neonates were followed up for sepsis development within 2 weeks. RESULTS Ninety-eight percent (264/268) of smears provided interpretable reads. Of the 264 children, 136 had been randomized to receive BCG+OPV prior to sampling; the remaining 128 were vaccinated at discharge. The I:T ratio (average 0.017) was lower among children who did not develop clinical sepsis but did not predict sepsis (p=0.70). Only three children had an I:T ratio >0.2 (associated with a higher probability of clinical sepsis in previous studies) but did not develop sepsis. Immunization did not alter WBC composition. CONCLUSIONS Manual WBC differentials are feasible in low-resource settings. WBC differentials are not affected by standard newborn immunization. However, the I:T ratio had no value in predicting subsequent development of sepsis.



背景技术在缺乏资源的情况下,人工白细胞(WBC)差异计数作为新生儿败血症发展的预测指标尚未得到全面评估。我们假设手动分化(特别是不成熟:总[I:T]中性粒细胞比例)将是可行的,并且可以用作预测早期发作的新生儿败血症(EONS)的辅助手段。其次,我们假设用卡介苗(BCG)和口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗(OPV)接种疫苗可能会改变白细胞计数,从而降低其预测性能。方法我们在一项随机试验中进行了一项前瞻性队列研究,将入院或出院时在几内亚比绍国立医院保育的健康,高危新生儿以BCG + OPV 1:1的比例随机分组。在268岁的新生儿中,在2 d时制备了薄的毛细血管血膜。通过显微镜评估白细胞计数,并在2周内随访新生儿败血症的发展。结果98%(264/268)的涂片提供了可解释的读物。在264名儿童中,有136名在抽样之前已被随机分配接受BCG + OPV治疗。其余的128个在出院时接种了疫苗。在没有发生临床败血症但没有预测败血症的儿童中,I:T比(平均0.017)较低(p = 0.70)。只有三名儿童的I:T比> 0.2(与先前研究中临床败血症的可能性更高相关),但并未发展为败血症。免疫并未改变白细胞的组成。结论手动WBC差异在资源贫乏地区是可行的。WBC差异不受标准新生儿免疫的影响。但是,I:T比对预测败血症的发展没有价值。