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Prey colonization in freshwater landscapes can be stimulated or inhibited by the proximity of remote predators
Journal of Animal Ecology ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-14 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13239
Beth Turner 1, 2 , Hendrik Trekels 1 , Mathil Vandromme 1 , Bram Vanschoenwinkel 1, 3

1.Recent findings suggest that the colonization of habitat patches may be affected by the quality of surrounding patches. For instance, patches that lack predators may be avoided when located near others with predators, a pattern known as risk contagion. Alternatively, predator avoidance might also redirect dispersal towards nearby predator-free patches resulting in so-called habitat compression. However, it is largely unknown how predators continue to influence these habitat selection behaviors at increasing distances from outside of their own habitat patch. In addition, current information is derived from artificial mesocosm experiments, while support from natural ecosystems is lacking. 2.This study used bromeliad landscapes as a natural model system to study how oviposition habitat selection of Diptera responds to the cues of a distant predator, the carnivorous elephant mosquito larva. 3.We established landscapes containing predator-free bromeliad habitat patches placed at increasing distances from a predator-containing patch, along with replicate control landscapes. These patches were then left to be colonized by ovipositing bromeliad insects. 4.We found that distance to predators modulates habitat selection decisions. Moreover, different dipteran families had different responses suggesting different habitat selection strategies. In some families, predator-free patches at certain distances from the predator patch were avoided, confirming risk contagion. In other families, these patches received higher number of colonists providing evidence of predator induced habitat compression. 5.We confirm that effects of predators in a natural ecosystem can extend beyond the patch in which the predator is present and that the presence or absence of remote predator effects on habitat selection depends on the distance to predators. The notion that perceived habitat quality can depend on conditions in neighboring patches forces habitat selection studies to adopt a landscape perspective and account for the effects of both present and remote predators when explaining community assembly in metacommunities.



1.最近的研究结果表明,栖息地斑块的定植可能受到周围斑块质量的影响。例如,当靠近其他有捕食者的斑块时,可以避免缺少捕食者的斑块,这种模式称为风险传染。或者,避免捕食者也可能将扩散重定向到附近的无捕食者斑块,导致所谓的栖息地压缩。然而,在距离它们自己的栖息地斑块之外越来越远的地方,捕食者如何继续影响这些栖息地选择行为,在很大程度上是未知的。此外,目前的信息来自人工中宇宙实验,而缺乏自然生态系统的支持。2.本研究使用凤梨科植物景观作为自然模型系统,研究双翅目产卵栖息地选择如何响应远处捕食者的线索,食肉象蚊幼虫。3.我们建立了包含无捕食者凤梨科植物栖息地斑块的景观,这些斑块放置在距含有捕食者斑块的距离越来越远的地方,以及复制控制景观。然后让这些斑块被产卵的凤梨科昆虫定殖。4.我们发现与捕食者的距离会影响栖息地选择决策。此外,不同的双翅目家族有不同的反应,表明不同的栖息地选择策略。在一些家庭中,避免了距离捕食者斑块一定距离的无捕食者斑块,确认了风险传染。在其他家庭中,这些斑块获得了更多的殖民者,提供了捕食者导致栖息地压缩的证据。5. 我们证实,捕食者在自然生态系统中的影响可以超出捕食者所在的区域,并且远程捕食者对栖息地选择的影响是否存在取决于与捕食者的距离。感知栖息地质量可能取决于邻近斑块的条件的概念迫使栖息地选择研究采用景观视角,并在解释元群落中的群落组装时考虑当前和远程捕食者的影响。