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Five Years Later: Assessing the Implementation of the Four Priorities of the Sendai Framework for Inclusion of People with Disabilities
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s13753-020-00267-w
DeeDee Bennett

Efforts to reduce disaster risk around the world should purposefully consider the needs of potentially vulnerable populations, including people with disabilities. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (SFDRR) is one of the few global disaster-related frameworks with a focus on people with disabilities. The objective of this article is to assess the inclusion of people with disabilities in disaster risk reduction strategies worldwide since the establishment of SFDRR as gleaned from research. Several studies were reviewed to observe how the four priorities were implemented and operationalized in various countries to reduce the risk for people with disabilities. Findings indicate that initial applications of the SFDRR have compelled purposeful actions, but there is still room for improvement regarding people with disabilities. The results conclude that slight variations on the definitions of disaster or disability may increase marginalization. Three key themes emerged: (1) the intersectionality of disability with other dimensions of vulnerability warrants focused consideration; (2) enhanced disaster preparedness requires more attention in order to empower people with disabilities; and (3) negative cultural attitudes need to shift to enable purposeful inclusion of people with disabilities. Additional studies on the global investments made are encouraged to share lessons learned regarding the integration of people with disabilities.



全世界为减少灾害风险所做的努力应有目的地考虑包括残疾人在内的潜在脆弱人群的需求。《 2015-2030年仙台减少灾害风险框架》(SFDRR)是为数不多的以灾害为重点的全球灾害相关框架之一。本文的目的是评估SFDRR建立以来从研究中收集的数据,将残疾人纳入全球范围的减少灾害风险策略中。审查了几项研究,以观察各国如何实施和实施这四个优先事项以减少残疾人的风险。研究结果表明,SFDRR的最初应用已迫使采取有目的的行动,但对于残疾人而言,仍有改进的空间。结果得出结论,对灾害或残疾的定义略有不同可能会加剧边缘化。出现了三个关键主题:(1)残疾与脆弱性其他方面的交叉性值得重点考虑;(2)增强备灾能力需要更多关注,以增强残疾人的能力;(3)需要转变消极的文化态度,以有目的地包容残疾人。鼓励对全球投资进行更多研究,以分享有关残疾人融合的经验教训。(1)残疾与脆弱性其他方面的交叉性值得重点考虑;(2)增强备灾能力需要更多关注,以增强残疾人的能力;(3)需要转变消极的文化态度,以有目的地包容残疾人。鼓励对全球投资进行更多研究,以分享有关残疾人融合的经验教训。(1)残疾与脆弱性其他方面的交叉性值得重点考虑;(2)增强备灾能力需要更多关注,以增强残疾人的能力;(3)需要转变消极的文化态度,以有目的地包容残疾人。鼓励对全球投资进行更多研究,以分享有关残疾人融合的经验教训。