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Correlates of co-occurring eating disorders and substance use disorders: a case for dialectical behavior therapy
Eating Disorders ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10640266.2020.1740913
Kimberly Claudat 1 , Tiffany A Brown 1 , Leslie Anderson 1 , Gina Bongiorno 1 , Laura A Berner 2 , Erin Reilly 3 , Tana Luo 1 , Natalia Orloff 4 , Walter H Kaye 1

ABSTRACT Given the high rates of comorbidity between eating disorders (EDs) and substance use disorders (SUDs), it is important to develop effective treatment approaches for individuals with both an ED and SUD (ED-SUD). To date, there is limited information guiding the concurrent treatment of these disorders. To build on existing research, the present study compared adult patients with ED-SUD (n = 36) to patients with ED-only (n = 62) in terms of demographics, psychiatric comorbidity, and self-reported eating disorder and related psychopathology. Results indicated that ED-SUD patients had a higher number of psychiatric comorbidities, were more likely to be prescribed mood stabilizers, and were more sensitive to reward. They also reported greater difficulty with emotion regulation, including more difficulty engaging in goal-directed activity, higher impulsivity, and more limited access to emotion regulation strategies. These differences highlight the importance of targeting emotion dysregulation for ED-SUD, and provide evidence for the importance of integrated, transdiagnostic treatment to simultaneously address the SUD, ED, and other psychiatric comorbidities. Implications for tailoring treatment are discussed with a focus on Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).



摘要鉴于进食障碍 (ED) 和物质使用障碍 (SUD) 之间的高共病率,为同时患有 ED 和 SUD (ED-SUD) 的个体开发有效的治疗方法非常重要。迄今为止,指导这些疾病的同步治疗的信息有限。为了建立在现有研究的基础上,本研究在人口统计学、精神疾病合并症以及自我报告的饮食失调和相关精神病理学方面比较了成年 ED-SUD 患者(n = 36)与仅患有 ED 的患者(n = 62)。结果表明,ED-SUD 患者有更多的精神疾病,更有可能使用情绪稳定剂,并且对奖赏更敏感。他们还报告说情绪调节更困难,包括更难以参与目标导向的活动,更高的冲动性,以及更有限的情绪调节策略。这些差异突出了针对 ED-SUD 的情绪失调的重要性,并为综合、跨诊断治疗同时解决 SUD、ED 和其他精神疾病的重要性提供了证据。讨论了定制治疗的影响,重点是辩证行为疗法 (DBT)。