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The aerodynamics of voiced stop closures
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-28 , DOI: 10.1186/s13636-019-0162-z
Luis M. T. Jesus , Maria Conceição Costa

Experimental data combining complementary measures based on the oral airflow signal is presented in this paper, exploring the view that European Portuguese voiced stops are produced in a similar fashion to Germanic languages. Four Portuguese speakers were recorded producing a corpus of nine isolated words with /b, d, ɡ/ in initial, medial and final word position, and the same nine words embedded in 39 different sentences. Slope of the stop release (SLP), voice onset time (VOT), release and stop durations and steady-state oral airflow amplitude characteristics preceding and following the stop were analysed. Differences between independent groups (three different places of articulation and two vowel contexts) and correlations between variables were studied; generalised linear mixed effects models were developed to study the effects of VOT, SLP and the factors place of articulation and vowel context on the mean oral airflow. A classification of stop’s voicing was automatically extracted. Both SLP ( p = .013) and VOT ( p = .014) were significantly different for the three places of articulation. Weak voicing was observed for 57% of the stops. It is hypothesised that the high percentages of weakly voiced stops are a consequence of passive voicing and that the feature of contrast in Portuguese is privative [ spread glottis ].



本文提出了结合基于口腔气流信号的补充措施的实验数据,探讨了欧洲葡萄牙语浊塞音以类似于日耳曼语言的方式产生的观点。记录了四名葡萄牙语演讲者的语料库,该语料库由 9 个孤立的单词组成,其中 /b、d、ɡ/ 在词首、中间和词尾的位置,以及相同的 9 个词嵌入 39 个不同的句子。对停止释放的斜率 (SLP)、发声时间 (VOT)、释放和停止持续时间以及停止前后的稳态口腔气流振幅特性进行了分析。研究了独立组之间的差异(三个不同的发音位置和两个元音上下文)和变量之间的相关性;开发了广义线性混合效应模型来研究 VOT 的影响,SLP 和发音因素位置和元音上下文对平均口腔气流的影响。自动提取停止发声的分类。SLP ( p = .013) 和 VOT ( p = .014) 在三个关节位置上都有显着差异。在 57% 的停顿中观察到微弱的声音。据推测,弱浊音塞音的高百分比是被动发声的结果,并且葡萄牙语中的对比特征是剥夺性的[传播声门]。