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Potential for biological control of the vegetable leafminer, Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae), in Australia with parasitoid wasps
Austral Entomology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-24 , DOI: 10.1111/aen.12444
Peter M Ridland 1 , Paul A Umina 1, 2 , Elia I Pirtle 2 , Ary A Hoffmann 1

The vegetable leafminer, Liriomyza sativae Blanchard, poses a risk to vegetable and nursery production in mainland Australia since established in Cape York in 2015. Effective control overseas depends on maximising the impact of natural enemies. Problems with polyphagous Liriomyza pest species typically result from the destruction of their parasitoids by excessive use of non‐selective insecticides. Field studies are reviewed to identify parasitoid species involved in the biological control of L. sativae in open‐air and glasshouse production internationally and to assess the current knowledge of parasitoids of agromyzids in Australia. Overseas, invading Liriomyza populations have frequently been exploited by endemic parasitoids (often found on non‐pest agromyzid species), and non‐crop hosts have played a role as reservoirs of these parasitoids. The few published Australian field studies on the occurrence of agromyzid flies and their parasitoids show a large community of wasps attacking agromyzids, with species mainly from the Eulophidae, Pteromalidae and Braconidae. The most abundant recorded species are two cosmopolitan eulophid species, Hemiptarsenus varicornis (Girault) and Diglyphus isaea (Walker), and four Australian species: two eulophid species, Zagrammosoma latilineatum Ubaidillah and Closterocerus mirabilis Edwards & La Salle, one pteromalid species, Trigonogastrella sp., and one braconid species, Opius cinerariae Fischer, for which there is little biological information. One deficiency in the known assemblage in Australia is the absence of parasitoids from the Eucoilinae (Hymenoptera: Figitidae), a subfamily with several abundant species attacking agromyzids overseas. The composition and impact of the endemic parasitoid assemblage in Australia on populations of L. sativae needs to be assessed adequately in the field before the importation of additional exotic parasitoid species is contemplated. Overseas, two species, D. isaea and Dacnusa sibirica Telenga, are reared commercially for augmentative biological control, although the relatively high cost of production has restricted their release to protected cropping situations. Knowledge gaps remain locally about the taxonomy, distribution, host range and life cycle of parasitoids, and their potential impact on L. sativae.


具有寄生性黄蜂的澳大利亚蔬菜杀叶者Liriomyza sativae(Diptera:Agromyzidae)的生物防治潜力

自2015年在约克角成立以来,蔬菜切叶机Liriomyza sativae Blanchard对澳大利亚大陆的蔬菜和苗圃生产构成了威胁。对海外的有效控制取决于最大限度地发挥自然敌人的影响。与多食性问题斑潜蝇害虫物种典型地从通过过量使用非选择性杀虫剂的破坏他们的寄生的产生。审查了实地研究,以确定国际上露天和温室生产中参与L. sativae的生物防治的寄生虫种类,并评估了澳大利亚农杆菌的寄生虫的当前知识。在海外,入侵Liriomyza这些种群经常被地方性寄生虫(通常在非害虫土壤真菌物种中发现)利用,并且非农作物寄主也充当了这些寄生虫的贮藏库。澳大利亚极少数已发表的关于土壤蚜虫蝇及其寄生虫发生情况的野外研究表明,大量蜂类攻击土壤蚜虫,主要来自Eulophidae,Pteromalidae和Braconidae。最丰富的纪录种是两个世界性eulophid种,Hemiptarsenus varicornis(Girault)和潜蝇姬小蜂(沃克)和四个澳大利亚物种:二eulophid种,Zagrammosoma latilineatum Ubaidillah和Closterocerus杆菌爱德华兹和喇沙,一个pteromalid种,Trigonogastrella,还有一种辫状菌物种,即菲乌斯菲乌斯(Fiius cinerariae Fischer),其生物学信息很少。在澳大利亚,已知组合中的一个缺陷是没有来自Eucoilinae(膜翅目:Figitidae)的寄生虫,该亚科有数种丰富的物种在海外攻击农杆菌。在考虑引入其他外来寄生虫物种之前,需要在野外充分评估澳大利亚特有寄生虫组合的组成和对L. sativae种群的影响。在国外,有两种,D。isaeaDacnusa sibirica尽管相对较高的生产成本已将Telenga的释放限制在受保护的耕种情况下,但Telenga却在商业上进行了饲养,以进行增强的生物防治。寄生虫的分类,分布,寄主范围和生命周期及其对L. sativae的潜在影响仍然存在局部知识空白。