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Analyzing risk factors for herd seropositivity to classical swine fever in West Timor, Indonesia.
Research in Veterinary Science ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2020.04.011
Petrus Malo Bulu 1 , Ian D Robertson 2 , Maria Geong 3

A cross-sectional study was undertaken to identify factors associated with herd-level seropositivity to Classical Swine Fever (CSF) in smallholder pig farms in West Timor, Indonesia. Questionnaires were distributed to 240 pig farmers from 8 villages in two districts to collect information about farm structure and herd information, reproductive management and performance, husbandry, pig introductions and exits, health status, farmers' knowledge and history of vaccination. Three risk factors were found to be associated with the presence of antibodies to CSF in the herd in a multivariable logistic regression model. Seropositivity was associated with the introduction of pigs in the 12-month period preceding the survey (OR 4.78, 95% CI: 1.46, 15.71). Farmers who kept goats were 3.42 (95% CI: 1.20, 9.81) times more likely to have seropositive pigs than farmers without goats. Herds that had been vaccinated against CSF were also 2.33 (95% CI: 1.10, 5.12) times more likely to be seropositive than non-vaccinated herds. This latter positive association is likely to be as a result of antibodies induced by vaccination rather than a true risk factor for infection. The results of the questionnaire highlighted the lack of implementation of biosecurity measures by smallholder farmers in West Timor, which has the potential to increase the risk of their pigs to CSF, as well as other diseases.



进行了一项横断面研究,以确定与印度尼西亚西帝汶小农户猪场对经典猪瘟(CSF)的血清阳性有关的因素。向来自两个地区的8个村庄的240个养猪户分发了问卷,以收集有关农场结构和畜群信息,生殖管理和性能,饲养,养猪的出入,健康状况,农民的知识和疫苗接种史的信息。在多变量logistic回归模型中,发现了三个风险因素与牛群中CSF抗体的存在有关。血清阳性与在调查前的12个月内引入猪有关(OR 4.78,95%CI:1.46,15.71)。饲养山羊的农民为3.42(95%CI:1.20,9。81)出现血清阳性猪的可能性是没有山羊的农民的几倍。接种过脑脊液疫苗的牛群血清阳性的可能性也比未接种牛的牛群高2.33倍(95%CI:1.10,5.12)倍。后者的积极联系可能是由于疫苗诱导的抗体,而不是感染的真正危险因素。问卷调查结果强调了西帝汶小农缺乏生物安全措施的实施,这有可能增加其猪患脑脊液以及其他疾病的风险。后者的积极联系可能是由于疫苗诱导的抗体,而不是感染的真正危险因素。问卷调查结果强调了西帝汶小农缺乏生物安全措施的实施,这有可能增加其猪患脑脊液以及其他疾病的风险。后者的积极联系可能是由于疫苗诱导的抗体,而不是感染的真正危险因素。问卷调查结果强调了西帝汶小农缺乏生物安全措施的实施,这有可能增加其猪患脑脊液以及其他疾病的风险。