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Turbidity effects on feeding by larvae of the endemic Ambystoma mexicanum and the introduced Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Xochimilco, Mexico
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecohyd.2019.07.002
D.J. Chaparro-Herrera , S. Nandini , S.S.S. Sarma

We tested the effects of turbidity on the prey consumption by larvae of an endemic predator (Ambystoma mexicanum) and an introduced predator (Oreochromis niloticus). Prey visibility is influenced by turbidity due to organic (algae, detritus) or inorganic (sediment) matter. We hypothesized that the axolotl would be more adversely influenced by high turbidity as compared to Tilapia, resulting in a decrease in the population of the former under natural conditions. In order to test this, we conducted prey preference experiments and tested the reactive distance of both predators at different turbidity levels. Prey species used were the cladocerans Alona glabra, Moina macrocopa, Macrothrix triserialis and Simocephalus vetulus and the ostracod Heterocypris incongruens. In both, clear and turbid waters, the fish consumed about 17.5% and 2.5%, respectively, more prey. The axolotl had a greater preference for H. incongruens and M. triserialis, and the fish for S. vetulus and M. triserialis. These results indicate that turbidity decreases the visual ability during the larval stages of A. mexicanum which in turn influences its capacity to compete against the invasive fish. Implications of these results on conservation efforts for the highly endangered Ambystoma mexicanum are discussed.


西哥霍奇米尔科湖的混浊对墨西哥地方性Ambystoma幼虫和引入的Oreochromis niloticus幼虫摄食的影响

我们测试了混浊度对地方性捕食者(Ambystoma mexicanum)和引进的捕食者(Oreochromis niloticus)的幼虫消耗的影响。猎物的可见性受有机(藻类,碎屑)或无机(沉积物)物质混浊的影响。我们假设,与罗非鱼相比,高浊度对more的危害更大,导致自然条件下前者的种群减少。为了测试这一点,我们进行了捕食偏好实验,并测试了两种捕食者在不同浊度水平下的反应距离。所使用的猎物种类有锁骨刺菜Alona glabra,Moina macrocopa,Macromthrix triserialisSimocephalus vetulus和被隔离的异头异翅目。在清澈和浑浊的水域中,鱼的猎物分别消耗了约17.5%和2.5%。x对H. incongruensM. triserialis的偏好较高,鱼对S. vetulusM. triserialis的偏好更大。这些结果表明,浊度降低了墨西哥曲霉幼虫期的视觉能力,这反过来又影响了它与入侵鱼类竞争的能力。讨论了这些结果对高度濒危的墨西哥Ambystoma mexicanum的保护工作的意义。
