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Short food supply chains for local food: a difficult path
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s174217051800039x
Thais Rucabado-Palomar , Mamen Cuéllar-Padilla

Agri-food globalization is having a serious adverse impact on small- and medium-sized family farms in the province of Málaga (southern Spain), 43% of which have disappeared over the last 10 years. Short food supply chains (SFSCs) are emerging as a potential option for this type of farm, but as a strategy it is apparently not being implemented strongly enough over the region as a whole. The current case study sought to explore the initiatives carried out by local producers to date in implementing SFSCs throughout the province and to examine, from the standpoint of the production sector, the constraints hindering its development and the strategies currently being adopted with a view to addressing them. The analyses carried out under local producers perspective shows us that although SFSCs are interesting for family farms, in terms of prices, economic profit and social recognition, the abilities and capacities these channels require to producers, jointly with technical, flexibility and time demands, make these channels to be not that successful and attractive. Small producers interested in SFSCs must be aware of the special importance of social linkages and the need to take care of them; as well as of the need of establishing synergies and cooperation with other producers and stakeholders, in order to facilitate the tasks associated and that not every food product suit SFSCs.



农业食品全球化对马拉加省(西班牙南部)的中小型家庭农场产生了严重的不利影响,其中 43% 的农场在过去 10 年中消失了。短食品供应链 (SFSC) 正在成为此类农场的一种潜在选择,但作为一项战略,它显然在整个地区的实施力度不够。目前的案例研究旨在探讨迄今为止当地生产商在全省实施 SFSC 方面所采取的举措,并从生产部门的角度研究阻碍其发展的限制因素以及目前正在采取的战略,以解决他们。从当地生产者的角度进行的分析表明,虽然 SFSC 对家庭农场很有吸引力,但就价格而言,经济利润和社会认可,这些渠道对生产者的能力和能力,再加上技术、灵活性和时间要求,使这些渠道不那么成功和有吸引力。对 SFSC 感兴趣的小生产者必须意识到社会联系的特殊重要性以及照顾它们的必要性;以及与其他生产者和利益相关者建立协同作用和合作的需要,以促进相关任务,并且并非每种食品都适合 SFSC。对 SFSC 感兴趣的小生产者必须意识到社会联系的特殊重要性以及照顾它们的必要性;以及与其他生产者和利益相关者建立协同作用和合作的需要,以促进相关任务,并且并非每种食品都适合 SFSC。对 SFSC 感兴趣的小生产者必须意识到社会联系的特殊重要性以及照顾它们的必要性;以及与其他生产者和利益相关者建立协同作用和合作的需要,以促进相关任务,并且并非每种食品都适合 SFSC。