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Performance Analysis for Wireless Stochastic Networks with Dynamic Traffic and Packet Retransmission
IEEE Transactions on Communications ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tcomm.2020.2967368
Dingjie Xu , Jinglun Wang , Tianyu Cao , Chenchen Yang , Bin Xia

In this paper, we analyze the system performance of a stochastic network, which is in the stationary state. Different from previous full-loaded assumptions that base stations (BSs) are always transmitting signals, which overestimates the inter-cell interference (ICI), dynamic traffic is considered in our model and BSs can be silent in some time slots. Packet retransmission is adopted, which brings a coupled relationship between the outage probability and the buffer empty probability. That is, as the outage probability increases, packets that are not successfully received will remain at the head of the buffer and be retransmitted until they are successfully received, which increases the proportion of active BSs and aggravates the ICI in turn. To better analyze this coupled relationship, the ICI is analyzed with the aid of the probability generating function and the Laplace transform. Then a queuing model is established to depict the packet arrival and departure processes. Some important system metrics, including the outage probability, the buffer empty probability, and the stable throughput region, are derived. Numerical results verify our theoretical analysis, and it is revealed that packet retransmission can enhance the system performance when the packet request rate is within the stable throughput region.



在本文中,我们分析了处于静止状态的随机网络的系统性能。与之前的满载假设基站 (BS) 总是在传输信号,这高估了小区间干扰 (ICI),我们的模型中考虑了动态流量,并且 BS 可以在某些时隙中保持沉默。采用包重传,带来了中断概率和缓冲区空概率之间的耦合关系。也就是说,随着中断概率的增加,未成功接收的数据包将留在缓冲区的头部并重新发送,直到它们成功接收,这会增加活动基站的比例并反过来加剧ICI。为了更好地分析这种耦合关系,借助概率生成函数和拉普拉斯变换分析 ICI。然后建立排队模型来描述数据包的到达和离开过程。导出了一些重要的系统指标,包括中断概率、缓冲区空概率和稳定吞吐量区域。数值结果验证了我们的理论分析,表明当数据包请求率在稳定吞吐量区域内时,数据包重传可以提高系统性能。