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Winter wheat growth and water use under different drip irrigation regimes in the North China PlainWinter wheat growth and water use under different drip irrigation regimes in the North China Plain
Irrigation Science ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s00271-020-00673-4
Shanshan Bai , Yaohu Kang , Shuqin Wan

A 3-year field experiment was conducted to evaluate the applicability of drip irrigation, winter wheat growth and water use under different drip irrigation regimes in the North China Plain (NCP) during 2014–2017. Five irrigation regimes with the soil matric potential (SMP) thresholds at 20 cm depth immediately under the emitters were − 10, − 20, − 30, − 40 and − 50 kPa. The results showed that scheduling drip irrigation with SMP thresholds at 20 cm depth obviously affected the soil moisture status in the root zone, and the lower the SMP threshold was, the lower the average soil moisture content was. Soil moisture consumption of winter wheat occurred mainly in 0–60 cm soil layer in anthesis stage, and reached a depth of 80 cm in grain filling stage, and there was no deep percolation but groundwater recharge in 130 cm layer. SMP thresholds had significant effects on grain yield and water use efficiency (WUE), and there was a tendency for the two indicators to reach their highest values when the SMP threshold was around − 40 kPa in the normal years. Both yield and WUE decreased with the decrease of SMP in the dry year. Winter wheat evapotranspiration and irrigation amount decreased by 0.12% and 0.92%, respectively, and the irrigation water use efficiency increased by 1.22% with each unit of SMP decrease. Compared with the average grain yield, irrigation amount and WUE under local surface irrigation management, drip irrigation with the SMP threshold of − 40 kPa resulted in a yield increase of 4.3%, water savings of 46.6%, and WUE increase of 10.5%. The yield increase wasn’t significant to attract farmers to adopt drip irrigation technology, but the water saving was obvious. So, in the NCP, if the investment of drip irrigation system was likely to be government subsidized, it was recommended to drip irrigate winter wheat with the SMP threshold of − 40 kPa at 20 cm depth immediately under the emitters.



进行了为期 3 年的田间试验,以评估 2014-2017 年华北平原(NCP)不同滴灌制度下滴灌、冬小麦生长和用水的适用性。紧接发射器下方 20 cm 深度的土壤基质势 (SMP) 阈值的五种灌溉制度为 − 10、 − 20、 − 30、 − 40 和 − 50 kPa。结果表明,20 cm深度SMP阈值调度滴灌对根区土壤水分状况影响明显,SMP阈值越低,平均土壤含水量越低。冬小麦土壤水分消耗主要发生在开花期0~60 cm土层,灌浆期达到80 cm深度,130 cm层无深层渗流,地下水补给。SMP阈值对粮食产量和水分利用效率(WUE)有显着影响,正常年份SMP阈值在−40 kPa左右时,这两个指标有达到最高值的趋势。旱年产量和WUE均随着SMP的降低而下降。冬小麦蒸散量和灌溉量分别减少0.12%和0.92%,每减少单位SMP,灌溉用水效率提高1.22%。与局部地表灌溉管理下的平均粮食产量、灌溉量和WUE相比,SMP阈值为−40 kPa的滴灌增产4.3%,节水46.6%,WUE提高10.5%。增产对吸引农民采用滴灌技术影响不大,但节水效果很明显。因此,在NCP,如果滴灌系统的投资有可能得到政府补贴,建议在滴灌口正下方20 cm深度以- 40 kPa的SMP阈值滴灌冬小麦。