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Genetically modified Caenorhabditis elegans may lead to inaccurate toxicity evaluation of mixtures
Environmental Sciences Europe ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-16 , DOI: 10.1186/s12302-020-00337-2
Peng Huang , Kai Li , Ya-Qian Xu , Ze-Jun Wang , Shu-Shen Liu


One of the major challenges in environmental science is how to assess the toxicity and risk of complex pollutant mixtures. However, only a few studies have pointed out that there is a significant difference between the toxicities of chemicals on genetically modified strains and wild-type organisms and there are few reports of the differences in the toxicity of chemical mixtures. Therefore, six chemicals, two substituted phenols (4-chlorophenol and 4-nitrophenol), two pesticides (dichlorvos and glyphosate) and two ionic liquids (1-butylpyridinium chloride and 1-butylpyridinium bromide), were selected to construct a six-component mixture system, the lethality of various mixtures on the genetically modified Caenorhabditis elegans strain mtl-2::GFP (MTL-2) at 12 and 24 h were determined, and differences in toxicity to other strains were compared.


Although the toxicity of 4-chlorophenol on MTL-2 was not significantly different from that on N2 wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans (N2), the toxicities of the other five chemicals on MTL-2 were greater than those on N2. The toxicities of six single chemicals and nine mixture rays on MTL-2 increased with time, which is consistent with the effect on N2 and on the genetically modified strain sod-3::GFP Caenorhabditis elegans (SOD-3). The toxicological interactions of various mixtures in MTL-2 at 12 h were half antagonistic (ANT) and half additive (ADD), while at 24 h, they were mainly synergistic (SYN). The toxicological interactions of various mixtures in MTL-2 change from ANT/ADD to primarily SYN with time, which is different from the change from ANT to ADD in SOD-3 and from SYN to ADD in N2.


The toxicity and toxicity interactions of chemical mixtures on different Caenorhabditis elegans strains are different. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the effect of genetic factors on the toxicological interaction of mixtures to avoid underestimating or overestimating the mixture risk.




环境科学的主要挑战之一是如何评估复杂污染物混合物的毒性和风险。但是,只有很少的研究指出,化学物质对转基因菌株和野生型生物的毒性之间存在显着差异,关于化学混合物的毒性差异的报道也很少。因此,选择了六种化学品,两种取代的苯酚(4-氯苯酚和4-硝基苯酚),两种农药(敌敌畏和草甘膦)和两种离子液体(1-丁基吡啶鎓氯化物和1-丁基吡啶鎓溴化物)来构建六组分混合物系统,转基因秀丽隐杆线虫菌株mtl - 2的各种混合物的致死性确定在12和24小时的:: GFP(MTL-2),并比较对其他菌株的毒性差异。


尽管4-氯苯酚对MTL-2的毒性与对N2野生型秀丽隐杆线虫(N2)的毒性没有显着差异,但其他五种化学物质对MTL-2的毒性大于对N2的毒性。六种单一化学物质和九种混合射线对MTL-2的毒性随时间增加,这与对N2和转基因菌株sod - 3 :: GFP秀丽隐杆线虫的作用一致(SOD-3)。MTL-2中各种混合物在12 h的毒理学相互作用为一半拮抗(ANT)和一半添加剂(ADD),而在24 h时,它们主要是协同作用(SYN)。MTL-2中各种混合物的毒理学相互作用随时间从ANT / ADD变为主要为SYN,这与SOD-3中ANT从ADD变为ADD以及N2从SYN变为ADD有所不同。

