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Multi-UAV Based Crowd Monitoring System
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1109/taes.2019.2952420
Rodrigo Saar de Moraes , Edison Pignaton de Freitas

This article presents the development of a multi-unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based crowd monitoring system, demonstrating a system that uses UAVs to periodically monitor a group of moving walking individuals. Using auction paradigms to distribute targets among UAVs and genetic algorithms to calculate the best order to visit the targets, the system has shown capabilities to efficiently perform the surveillance, visiting all the targets during a surveillance period and minimizing the time between the visits made to each target. Moreover, the system showed robustness keeping the good performance under a variety of situations.



本文介绍了基于多无人机 (UAV) 的人群监控系统的开发,展示了一种使用无人机定期监控一群移动的步行个体的系统。使用拍卖范式在无人机之间分配目标和遗传算法来计算访问目标的最佳顺序,该系统已显示出有效执行监视的能力,在监视期间访问所有目标并最大限度地减少访问每个目标之间的时间目标。此外,该系统显示出在各种情况下保持良好性能的鲁棒性。