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Reducing Inter-Site Variability for Fluctuation Amplitude Metrics in Multisite Resting State BOLD-fMRI Data
Neuroinformatics ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s12021-020-09463-x
Xinbo Wang , Qing Wang , Peiwen Zhang , Shufang Qian , Shiyu Liu , Dong-Qiang Liu

It has been reported that resting state fluctuation amplitude (RSFA) exhibits extremely large inter-site variability, which limits its application in multisite studies. Although global normalization (GN) based approaches are efficient in reducing the site effects, they may cause spurious results. In this study, our purpose was to find alternative strategies to minimize the substantial site effects for RSFA, without the risk of introducing artificial findings. We firstly modified the ALFF algorithm so that it is conceptually validated and insensitive to data length, then found that (a) global mean amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF) covaried only with BOLD signal intensity, while global mean fractional ALFF (fALFF) was significantly correlated with TRs across different sites; (b) The inter-site variations in raw RSFA values were significant across the entire brain and exhibited similar trends between gray matter and white matter; (c) For ALFF, signal intensity rescaling could dramatically reduce inter-site variability by several orders, but could not fully removed the globally distributed inter-site variability. For fALFF, the global site effects could be completely removed by TR controlling; (d) Meanwhile, the magnitude of the inter-site variability of fALFF could also be reduced to an acceptable level, as indicated by the detection power of fALFF in multisite data quite close to that in monosite data. Thus our findings suggest GN based harmonization methods could be replaced with only controlling for confounding factors including signal scaling, TR and full-band power.



