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Evaluation of blood pressure estimation models based on pulse arrival time
Computers & Electrical Engineering ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.compeleceng.2020.106616
José M. Bote , Joaquín Recas , Román Hermida

Abstract Several models in the literature correlate blood pressure (BP) with the electrocardiogram (ECG) and photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals. These studies show substantial differences and have not been adequately compared. The MIMIC database, containing intrusive BP measures collected in a hospital setting, has been used to perform an extensive study of different models and variables extracted from the PPG and ECG signals. The best BP estimator model obtained is α / P A T 2 + β H R + δ , where PAT is the Pulse Arrival Time and HR is the heart rate. This model allows the monitoring of fast BP trends and fluctuations. If absolute values of BP were required, the model would have to be calibrated with real BP measures. The model, with periodic recalibrations, meets the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) requirements for diastolic BP but not for systolic BP, for which the mean error is close to 8 mmHg.



摘要 文献中的几个模型将血压 (BP) 与心电图 (ECG) 和光电容积脉搏波 (PPG) 信号相关联。这些研究显示出显着差异,尚未进行充分比较。MIMIC 数据库包含在医院环境中收集的侵入性血压测量值,已被用于对从 PPG 和 ECG 信号中提取的不同模型和变量进行广泛研究。获得的最佳 BP 估计模型是 α / PAT 2 + β HR + δ ,其中 PAT 是脉搏到达时间,HR 是心率。该模型允许监测快速血压趋势和波动。如果需要 BP 的绝对值,则必须使用真实的 BP 测量值校准模型。模型,定期重新校准,