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Will teaching sustainability standards to oil palm smallholders in Indonesia pay off?
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2020.1744899
Ernah 1 , Priyanka Parvathi 2 , Hermann Waibel 2

ABSTRACT This study presents an ex-ante cost-benefit analysis of introducing sustainability standards to smallholder oil palm farmers in the province of Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia. Sustainability standards are defined as a set of oil palm management practices derived from the Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) scheme. Economic and environmental benefits of ISPO are derived from a panel data set from some 185 oil palm smallholders collected in 2010, 2012 and 2013. We explore two basic strategies for the introduction of ISPO namely: (1) a conventional extension campaign and (2) a farmer field school approach. Our calculations show that the farmer field school approach results in a higher economic rate of return compared to conventional agricultural extension campaigns. A major conclusion from this analysis is that the Government of Indonesia should invest if ISPO standards are to be adopted on a large scale by smallholder farmers.



摘要 本研究对印度尼西亚苏门答腊占碑省油棕小农引入可持续性标准的事前成本效益分析进行了分析。可持续性标准被定义为一套源自印度尼西亚可持续棕榈油 (ISPO) 计划的油棕管理实践。ISPO 的经济和环境效益来自于 2010 年、2012 年和 2013 年收集的大约 185 名油棕小农的面板数据集。我们探讨了引入 ISPO 的两种基本策略,即:(1) 常规推广活动和 (2)农民田间学校的方法。我们的计算表明,与传统的农业推广活动相比,农民田间学校方法的经济回报率更高。