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The Duality of Reforestation Impacts on Surface and Air Temperature
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-30 , DOI: 10.1029/2019jg005543
Kimberly A. Novick 1 , Gabriel G. Katul 2

Evidence is mounting that temperate‐zone reforestation cools surface temperature (Tsurf), mitigating deleterious effects of climate warming. While Tsurf drives many biophysical processes, air temperature (Ta) is an equally important target for climate mitigation and adaptation. Whether reductions in Tsurf translate to reductions in Ta remains complex, fraught by several nonlinear and intertwined processes. In particular, forest canopy structure strongly affects near‐surface temperature gradients, complicating cross‐site comparison. Here the influence of reforestation on Ta is assessed by targeting temperature metrics that are less sensitive to local canopy effects. Specifically, we consider the aerodynamic temperature (Taero), estimated using a novel procedure that does not rely on the assumptions of Monin‐Obukhov similarity theory, as well as the extrapolated temperature into the surface layer (Textrap). The approach is tested with flux tower data from a grass field, pine plantation, and mature hardwood stand co‐located in the Duke Forest (North Carolina, USA). During growing season daytime periods, Tsurf is 4–6 °C cooler, and Taero and near‐surface Textrap are 2–3 °C cooler, in the forests relative to the grassland. During the dormant season, daytime differences are smaller but still substantial. At night, differences in Taero are small, and near‐surface Textrap is warmer over forests than grasslands during the growing season (by 0.5 to 1 °C). Finally, the influence of land cover on Textrap at the interface between the surface and mixed layer is small. Overall, reforestation appears to provide a meaningful opportunity for adaption to warmer daytime Ta in the southeastern United States, especially during the growing season.



越来越多的证据表明,温带造林可以降低地表温度(T surf),从而减轻气候变暖的有害影响。虽然Ť冲浪驱动器的许多生物物理过程,空气温度(Ť一个)是用于气候减缓和适应一个同样重要的目标。T surf的降低是否转化为T a的降低仍然很复杂,这受多个非线性和相互交织的过程困扰。尤其是,林冠结构严重影响了近地表温度梯度,使跨站点比较变得复杂。这里造林对Ta的影响通过针对对局部冠层效应不太敏感的温度指标进行评估。具体而言,我们考虑了采用新程序估算的空气动力学温度(T aero),该程序不依赖于Monin-Obukhov相似性理论的假设,以及外推到表层的温度(T extrap)。该方法已通过来自杜克森林(美国北卡罗来纳州)的草地,松树人工林和成熟硬木林的通量塔数据进行了测试。在生长季节的白天,T surf的温度要低4–6°C,而T aero和近地表的T会析出在相对于草原的森林中,温度低2–3°C。在休眠季节,白天的差异较小,但仍然很大。到了晚上,在生长季中,T aero的差异很小,近地表的T提取物在森林上的温度要高于草地(0.5至1°C)。最后,在表面和混合层之间的界面上,土地覆盖对T的外延的影响很小。总体而言,再造林似乎提供了适应的机会来温暖白天牛逼一个在美国东南部,尤其是在生长季节。