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“Smart” Discourses, the Limits of Representation, and New Regimes of Spatial Data
Annals of the American Association of Geographers ( IF 3.982 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-04 , DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2019.1665493
Craig Dalton 1 , Clancy Wilmott 2 , Emma Fraser 3 , Jim Thatcher 4

As “smart” urbanism becomes more influential, spaces and places are increasingly represented through numeric and categorical data that have been gathered by sensors, devices, and people. Such systems purportedly provide access to always visible, measurable, and knowable spaces, facilitating ever more rational management and planning. Smart city spaces are thus governed through the algorithmic administration and categorization of difference and structured through particular discourses of smartness, both of which shape the production of space and place on a local and general level. Valorization of data and its analysis naturalizes constructions of space, place, and individual that elide the political and surveillant forms of technocractic governance on which they are built. This article argues that it is through processes of measurement, calculation, and classification that “smart” emerges along distinct axes of power and knowledge. Using examples drawn from the British Home Office’s repurposing of charity outreach maps for homeless population deportation and the more recent EU EXIT document checking application for European citizens and family members living in the United Kingdom, we demonstrate the significance of Gunnar Olsson’s thought for understanding the ideological and material power of smartness via his work on the very limits of representation. The discussion further opens a bridge toward a more relational consideration of the construction of space, place, and individual through the thinking of Doreen Massey. Key Words: data, Massey, Olsson, place, smart cities, space, spatial data



随着“智能”城市主义的影响越来越大,通过传感器,设备和人员收集的数字和分类数据,越来越多地代表着空间和地点。据称,这种系统提供了对始终可见,可测量和可知的空间的访问,从而促进了更加合理的管理和规划。因此,智慧城市空间是通过对差异的算法管理和分类来控制的,并通过特定的智慧话语来进行结构化,这两种话语都在局部和一般层面上影响着空间和场所的生产。数据的价格合理化及其分析使空间,地点和个人的建设自然化,从而消除了建立在其上的技术实践治理的政治形式和监视形式。本文认为,这是通过测量,计算,和“智能”的分类沿着力量和知识的不同轴出现。通过使用英国内政部重新利用慈善宣传地图以解决无家可归者的流离失所问题的示例,以及最近针对居住在英国的欧洲公民和家庭成员的EU EXIT文件检查应用程序,我们证明了Gunnar Olsson思想对于理解意识形态的重要性以及他在代表制极限方面的工作所带来的智慧的物质力量。讨论通过Doreen Massey的思想进一步架起了一条桥梁,使人们对空间,位置和个人的构造进行更相关的考虑。通过使用英国内政部重新利用慈善宣传地图以解决无家可归者的流离失所问题的示例,以及最近针对居住在英国的欧洲公民和家庭成员的EU EXIT文件检查应用程序,我们证明了Gunnar Olsson思想对于理解意识形态的重要性以及他在代表制极限方面的工作所带来的智慧的物质力量。讨论通过Doreen Massey的思想进一步架起了一条桥梁,使人们对空间,位置和个人的构造进行更相关的考虑。通过使用英国内政部重新利用慈善宣传地图以解决无家可归者的流离失所问题的示例,以及最近针对居住在英国的欧洲公民和家庭成员的EU EXIT文件检查应用程序,我们证明了Gunnar Olsson思想对于理解意识形态的重要性以及他在代表制极限方面的工作所带来的智慧的物质力量。讨论通过Doreen Massey的思想进一步架起了一条桥梁,使人们对空间,位置和个人的构造进行更相关的考虑。我们通过冈纳·奥尔森(Gunnar Olsson)在代表性的极限上的工作来证明其理解智慧的意识形态和物质力量的重要性。讨论通过Doreen Massey的思想进一步架起了一条桥梁,使人们对空间,位置和个人的构造进行更相关的考虑。我们通过冈纳·奥尔森(Gunnar Olsson)在代表性的极限上的工作来证明其理解智慧的意识形态和物质力量的重要性。讨论通过Doreen Massey的思想进一步架起了一条桥梁,使人们对空间,位置和个人的构造进行更相关的考虑。关键词:数据,梅西,奥尔森,地点,智慧城市,空间,空间数据
