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Assessment of landslide susceptibility at a local spatial scale applying the multi-criteria analysis and GIS: a case study from Slovakia
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2020.1713233
Jana Vojteková 1 , Matej Vojtek 1

Abstract Landslide susceptibility is an important topic mainly because its geo-spatial analysis provides a useful tool for planning, disaster management and hazard mitigation. In this study, the aim is to identify and analyze landslide susceptibility at a local spatial scale, which is represented by the town of Handlová, using the multi-criteria evaluation (i.e., the analytical hierarchy process technique – AHP) and geographic information systems (GIS). The following landslide conditioning factors were selected representing the local terrain predispositions: slope angle, geology, slope aspect, elevation, distance from rivers, distance from faults and land use. The raster-based analysis was performed using the spatial resolution of 10 × 10 m. The weights for each factor were determined by the AHP technique where slope angle had the highest relative importance. Based on the resulting susceptibility map, 51.98% out of the total study area is characterized by high and very high susceptibility class. The Atlas of Slope Stability of the Slovak Republic, which contains past landslides until 2006, was used for verification of the results. The verification confirmed a moderate accuracy between the landslide susceptibility map and landslide inventory from the atlas since 60.8% of all landslide areas from the atlas corresponded with high and very high susceptibility class.


应用多标准分析和 GIS 评估局部空间尺度的滑坡敏感性:来自斯洛伐克的案例研究

摘要 滑坡敏感性是一个重要课题,主要是因为其地理空间分析为规划、灾害管理和减灾提供了有用的工具。本研究的目的是在局部空间尺度上识别和分析以汉德洛瓦镇为代表的滑坡敏感性,使用多标准评估(即层次分析法——层次分析法)和地理信息系统(地理信息系统)。选择了以下代表当地地形倾向的滑坡条件因子:坡度、地质、坡向、高程、与河流的距离、与断层的距离和土地利用。使用 10 × 10 m 的空间分辨率进行基于栅格的分析。每个因素的权重由层次分析法确定,其中倾斜角具有最高的相对重要性。根据得到的敏感性图,整个研究区域中有 51.98% 的区域具有高和非常高的敏感性等级。斯洛伐克共和国斜坡稳定性地图集包含了 2006 年之前的滑坡,用于验证结果。验证确认了滑坡敏感性图和地图集的滑坡清单之间的中等准确性,因为地图集的所有滑坡区域中有 60.8% 对应于高和非常高的敏感性等级。其中包含 2006 年以前的滑坡,用于验证结果。验证确认了滑坡敏感性图和地图集的滑坡清单之间的中等准确性,因为地图集的所有滑坡区域中有 60.8% 对应于高和非常高的敏感性等级。其中包含 2006 年以前的滑坡,用于验证结果。验证确认了滑坡敏感性图和地图集的滑坡清单之间的中等准确性,因为地图集的所有滑坡区域中有 60.8% 对应于高和非常高的敏感性等级。