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Socio-ecological factors shape the opportunity for polygyny in a migratory songbird
Behavioral Ecology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-13 , DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arz220
David Canal 1, 2 , Lotte Schlicht 3 , Javier Manzano 4 , Carlos Camacho 4, 5 , Jaime Potti 4

The dataset contains the information of the pairs breeding in the population during the study years: breeding year (year), identity of the nest box (IDnestbox), its coordinates (GPSLONG & GPSLAT) and number of plot (Plot; there are two plots in the study area) wherein the pair bred. The file also contains the identity of the male (IDmale), the identity of the female (IDfemale), the mating status of the female (Polygyny = scored as 1 for the combination between the polygynous male and the secondary female) and its breeding date (Layingdate = day of the first egg, scored as days after 1st May). . To be published in Behavioral Ecology



该数据集包含研究年份种群中繁殖对的信息:繁殖年份(year)、巢箱的标识(IDnestbox)、其坐标(GPSLONG & GPSLAT)和地块数量(Plot;有两个地块在研究区),其中一对繁殖。该文件还包含雄性的身份(IDmale)、雌性的身份(IDfemale)、雌性的交配状态(Polygyny = 对于一夫多妻的雄性和次生雌性之间的组合得分为 1)及其繁殖日期(产蛋日期 = 第一个鸡蛋的日期,以 5 月 1 日之后的天数计分)。. 发表在行为生态学