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The Inventory of the Geological and Paleontological Sites in the Area of the Aspirant Geopark Bodoquena-Pantanal in Brazil
Geoheritage ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s12371-020-00437-8
Guilherme Navarro D. Tavares , Paulo Cesar Boggiani , Juliana de Moraes Leme , Ricardo Ivan Trindade

The interest in geoparks in Brazil began after the inclusion of the Araripe Geopark into the Global Geopark Network (GGN) in 2006. After that, several areas within Brazil were proposed as potential geoparks, two of which were then formalized—the Quadrilatero Ferrífero (Minas Gerais) and Bodoquena-Pantanal (Mato Grosso do Sul), and formal applications were submitted to GGN in 2010 but not accepted. In spite of the relevance in the geology and paleontology of both areas, the refusals were due to being only a project and not an actual functioning structured geopark yet working. No kind of inventory or quantification of the geological sites was carried out to both of the proposed geoparks. Furthermore, the purpose of the present work is to present an inventory of the sites of the area proposed for the Geopark Bodoquena-Pantanal (GBP) in an effort to demonstrate the significance of the geological heritage of the area. The area of the GBP includes Ediacaran animal fossils, which provide information about the geological record just before the Cambrian Explosion. This record created international interest in the area, together with sections with that record of global changes that characterized the end of the Neoproterozoic Eon, such as the iron formations of the Urucum Massif (Rapitan type) and Marinoan glacial sediments and limestone (Tamengo Formation). The present inventory was compiled by the GEOSSIT platform of the Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM), which is based on the method of Brilha (2016), with modifications. The 51 sites investigated were distributed among 6 geological frameworks, defined to represent the geological history of the region, and 26 sites were considered as geosites, of which 12 present international relevance, specifically the sites of Corumbá Group, due to the importance for the investigation of the Ediacaran period. The inventory and its numerical result show the scientific importance of the area, as already recognized by international meetings and publications on the geology, and is useful to future plan and revision of the proposed geopark.



在2006年将Araripe地质公园纳入全球地质公园网络(GGN)之后,人们开始对巴西的地质公园产生兴趣。此后,巴西境内的一些地区被提议为潜在的地质公园,然后正式确定了其中的两个区域-QuadrilateroFerrífero(Minas Gerais)和Bodoquena-Pantanal(南马托格罗索州),并于2010年向GGN提交了正式申请,但未被接受。尽管这两个地区的地质和古生物学都具有相关性,但拒绝是由于仅仅是一个项目,而不是一个实际起作用的结构化地质公园而仍在起作用。对这两个拟建的地质公园都没有进行任何种类的清单或地质地点的量化。此外,当前工作的目的是提供一个提议用于Bodoquena-Pantanal地质公园(GBP)的地区遗址清单,以证明该地区地质遗产的重要性。GBP的地区包括Ediacaran动物化石,这些化石提供了有关寒武纪爆炸发生之前的地质记录的信息。这项记录引起了该地区的国际关注,还有具有新元古代Eon结束特征的全球变化记录,例如Urucum Massif(Rapitan型)的铁层,Marinoan冰川沉积物和石灰石(Tamengo组)。 。本清单由巴西地质调查局(CPRM)的GEOSSIT平台编制,该平台基于Brilha(2016)的方法进行了修改。被调查的51个地点分布在6个地质框架中,定义为代表该地区的地质历史,其中26个地点被视为地质地点,由于对调查的重要性,其中12个具有国际意义,特别是CorumbáGroup地点Ediacaran时期。该清单及其数值结果表明了该地区的科学重要性,这一点已得到有关地质问题的国际会议和出版物的认可,并且对于拟议中的地质公园的未来计划和修订很有用。由于对Ediacaran时期的调查很重要。该清单及其数值结果表明了该地区的科学重要性,这一点已得到有关地质问题的国际会议和出版物的认可,并且对于拟议中的地质公园的未来计划和修订很有用。由于对Ediacaran时期的调查很重要。该清单及其数值结果表明了该地区的科学重要性,这一点已得到有关地质问题的国际会议和出版物的认可,并且对于拟议中的地质公园的未来计划和修订很有用。