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Managing hunting quotas of African lions (Panthera leo): A case study from Zambia
Journal for Nature Conservation ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2020.125817
Vernon R. Booth , Jones Masonde , Chuma Simukonda , David H.M. Cumming

Abstract Hunting lions while their populations are declining in much of Africa is a highly controversial issue. However, hunting for lions and other charismatic large mammals in Africa has contributed to maintaining large areas of wild land for lions and wildlife conservation. To minimise the impacts of hunting lions in some 150,000 km2 of Game Management Areas (total ∼190,000 km2) in Zambia an age-based quota setting system has been adopted. The approach involves reducing the number of lions taken to one per hunting block and limiting trophy hunting to past prime male lions. The age-based assessment criteria and the results from assessing the trophies taken in 2017 and 2018 are presented. Of the 18 trophies taken in 2017, 11% were judged to be under age, 17% were marginal and the remaining 72% were acceptable trophies of animals aged 6 years or older, with 28% being ≥7 years or older. The results for 2018 showed a higher proportion (42%) of older lions (≥7 years) being taken. Legal instruments to give force to the guidelines on trophies that can legally be hunted are being introduced to ensure the sustainable offtake of past prime male lions with minimal disruption of pride coalitions. These developments will contribute to improved management of lion hunting in Zambia and to meeting the non-detriment finding and conservation enhancement requirements of European and American regulations governing the importation of lion trophies.


管理非洲狮(Panthera leo)的狩猎配额:来自赞比亚的案例研究

摘要 在非洲大部分地区,在狮子数量下降的情况下猎杀狮子是一个极具争议的问题。然而,在非洲猎杀狮子和其他有魅力的大型哺乳动物有助于为狮子和野生动物保护维持大面积的野生土地。为了尽量减少在赞比亚约 150,000 平方公里的游戏管理区(总面积约 190,000 平方公里)猎狮的影响,采用了基于年龄的配额设定系统。该方法包括将每个狩猎区捕获的狮子数量减少到一只,并将奖杯狩猎限制为过去的主要雄狮。展示了基于年龄的评估标准以及评估 2017 年和 2018 年获得的奖杯的结果。在 2017 年获得的 18 个奖杯中,11% 被判定为未成年,17% 处于边缘状态,其余 72% 是可接受的 6 岁或以上动物奖杯,28% 是≥7 岁或以上。2018 年的结果显示,老年狮子(≥7 岁)被捕获的比例更高(42%)。正在引入法律文书,以强制执行关于可以合法狩猎的奖杯的指导方针,以确保在对骄傲联盟的破坏最小的情况下可持续地捕获过去的主要雄狮。这些发展将有助于改善赞比亚的狮子狩猎管理,并满足欧洲和美国关于狮子奖杯进口的法规的无害发现和保护加强要求。正在引入法律文书,以强制执行关于可以合法狩猎的奖杯的指导方针,以确保在对骄傲联盟的破坏最小的情况下可持续地捕获过去的主要雄狮。这些发展将有助于改善赞比亚的狮子狩猎管理,并满足欧洲和美国管理狮子奖杯进口的法规的无害发现和加强保护要求。正在引入法律文书,以强制执行关于可以合法狩猎的奖杯的指导方针,以确保在对骄傲联盟的破坏最小的情况下可持续地捕获过去的主要雄狮。这些发展将有助于改善赞比亚的狮子狩猎管理,并满足欧洲和美国管理狮子奖杯进口的法规的无害发现和加强保护要求。