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Primates on the farm – spatial patterns of human–wildlife conflict in forest-agricultural landscape mosaic in Taita Hills, Kenya
Applied Geography ( IF 4.732 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2020.102185
Mika Siljander , Toini Kuronen , Tino Johansson , Martha Nzisa Munyao , Petri K.E. Pellikka

Abstract Human–wildlife conflict (HWC) is a growing concern for local communities living in the vicinity of protected areas. These conflicts commonly take place as attack by wild animals and crop-raiding events, among other forms. We studied crop-raiding patterns by non-human primates in forest–agricultural landscape mosaic in the Taita Hills, southeast Kenya. The study applies both qualitative and quantitative methods. Semi-structured questionnaire was used in the primary data collection from the households, and statistical tests were performed. We used applied geospatial methods to reveal spatial patterns of crop-raiding by primates and preventive actions by farmers. The results indicate most of the farms experienced crop-raiding on a weekly basis. Blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis) was the worst crop-raiding species and could be found in habitats covered by different land use/land cover types. Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) and galagos crop-raided farms in areas with abundant tree canopy cover. Only few baboons (Papio cynocephalus) were reported to raid crops in the area. Results also show that the closer a farm is to the forest boundary and the less neighbouring farms there are between the farm and the forest, the more vulnerable it is for crop-raiding by blue monkeys, but not by any other studied primate species. The study could not show that a specific type of food crop in a farm or type of land use/land cover inside the wildlife corridor between the farmland and the forest boundary explain households’ vulnerability to crop-raiding by primates. Preventive actions against crop-raiding by farmers where taken all around the studied area in various forms. Most of the studied households rely on subsistence farming as their main livelihood and therefore crop-raiding by primates is a serious threat to their food security in the area.



摘要 人与野生动物冲突 (HWC) 是生活在保护区附近的当地社区日益关注的问题。这些冲突通常以野生动物的袭击和作物袭击事件等形式发生。我们研究了非人类灵长类动物在肯尼亚东南部泰塔山的森林-农业景观马赛克中掠夺作物的模式。该研究同时采用定性和定量方法。对住户的原始数据收集采用半结构化问卷,并进行统计检验。我们使用应用地理空间方法来揭示灵长类动物掠夺作物的空间模式和农民的预防行动。结果表明,大多数农场每周都会经历一次作物掠夺。蓝猴(Cercopithecus mitis)是最严重的作物掠夺物种,可以在不同土地利用/土地覆盖类型覆盖的栖息地中找到。长尾猴(Chlorocebus pygerythrus)和加拉戈斯(galagos)在树冠覆盖丰富的地区袭击了农场。据报道,只有少数狒狒(Papio cynocephalus)会袭击该地区的庄稼。结果还表明,农场离森林边界越近,农场和森林之间的相邻农场越少,它就越容易被蓝猴掠夺作物,但不会被任何其他研究的灵长类动物物种掠夺。该研究无法表明农场中特定类型的粮食作物或农田和森林边界之间野生动物走廊内的土地利用/土地覆盖类型可以解释家庭对灵长类动物掠夺作物的脆弱性。以各种形式在研究区域周围采取了防止农民掠夺作物的预防措施。大多数被研究的家庭以自给农业为主要生计,因此灵长类动物对作物的掠夺是对该地区粮食安全的严重威胁。