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Slowing of Caribbean through-flow
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.104682
Mark R. Jury

Trends in near-surface currents passing through the southeastern Caribbean are described using ocean reanalysis and a coupled model projection. The decline of Caribbean through-flow is linked with tropical and polar forcing. In the upstream zone, the North Brazil Current shows increasing retroflection as the southern Hadley Cell expands across the equatorial Atlantic. This inhibits northwestward transport next to the Amazon River plume. In the downstream zone, the Labrador Current feeds low saline Arctic waters into the Gulf Stream, inducing an equatorward shift and reduced flow.

Evidence is growing for spin-down of the North Atlantic gyre and its feeder currents, that inhibit poleward heat exchange and contribute to climatic shifts. Eastward trends of winds and currents in the equatorial Atlantic is projected to bring a drier climate to the lower Amazon basin and southeastern Caribbean, hence greater salinity with knock-on effects for regional sea temperatures.



使用海洋再分析和耦合模型投影描述了流经东南加勒比海的近地表水流的趋势。加勒比海流量的下降与热带和极地强迫有关。在上游区域,随着南部的哈德利牢房(Hadley Cell)越过赤道大西洋而​​扩大,北巴西洋流显示出越来越大的逆转。这抑制了靠近亚马逊河羽流的西北运输。在下游区域,拉布拉多洋流将低盐度的北极水注入墨西哥湾流,引起赤道偏移并减少了流量。

