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Sexual conflict and the environment: teasing apart effects arising via males and females
Animal Behaviour ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.01.010
Alan Vincent , Megan L. Head , Maider Iglesias-Carrasco

When males and females differ in their reproductive interests, each sex attempts to increase its own reproductive success, sometimes to the detriment of its mate. The environment that individuals experience has been shown to be fundamental in mediating this sexual conflict, since it can alter the balance between the costs and benefits that males and females obtain from mating. In the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus water availability is an important environmental factor that can alter this balance, with consequences for female mating strategies and the strength of sexual conflict. Whether the effect of water availability arises via effects on females or males, however, has not been explored. Here we manipulated access to water independently for adult males and females and explored how this environmental variation affected male and female mating behaviour, female fitness and offspring development. We found that access to water did not alter the size of ejaculates that males transferred, but that males with water available had longer copulation durations. We also found that females with access to water, despite living longer and laying a similar number of eggs during their lifetime, had offspring with longer development times and lower eclosion success than those of females with no access to water. Our results suggest that water availability has detrimental effects on female fitness, but despite changes in male mating behaviour these effects are not related to changes in the costliness of males as mates.



当雄性和雌性的生殖兴趣不同时,每个性别都试图提高自己的生殖成功率,有时会损害其配偶。个人经历的环境已被证明是调解这种性冲突的基础,因为它可以改变男性和女性从交配中获得的成本和收益之间的平衡。在种子甲虫 Callosobruchus maculatus 中,水的可用性是一个重要的环境因素,可以改变这种平衡,对雌性交配策略和性冲突的强度产生影响。然而,水资源可用性的影响是通过对女性还是男性的影响而产生的,尚未得到探讨。在这里,我们独立操纵成年雄性和雌性对水的获取,并探讨了这种环境变化如何影响雄性和雌性交配行为、雌性健康和后代发育。我们发现获得水不会改变雄性转移的射精大小,但有水的雄性交配时间更长。我们还发现,与无法获得水的雌性相比,能够获得水的雌性尽管寿命更长且产卵数量相似,但其后代的发育时间更长,羽化成功率更低。我们的研究结果表明,水的可用性对雌性健康有不利影响,但尽管雄性交配行为发生了变化,但这些影响与雄性交配成本的变化无关。女性健身和后代发展。我们发现获得水不会改变雄性转移的射精大小,但有水的雄性交配时间更长。我们还发现,与无法获得水的雌性相比,能够获得水的雌性尽管寿命更长并且产卵数量相似,但其后代的发育时间更长,羽化成功率更低。我们的研究结果表明,水的可用性对雌性健康有不利影响,但尽管雄性交配行为发生了变化,但这些影响与雄性交配成本的变化无关。女性健身和后代发展。我们发现获得水不会改变雄性转移的射精大小,但有水的雄性交配时间更长。我们还发现,与无法获得水的雌性相比,能够获得水的雌性尽管寿命更长并且产卵数量相似,但其后代的发育时间更长,羽化成功率更低。我们的研究结果表明,水的可用性对雌性健康有不利影响,但尽管雄性交配行为发生了变化,但这些影响与雄性交配成本的变化无关。我们还发现,与无法获得水的雌性相比,能够获得水的雌性尽管寿命更长并且产卵数量相似,但其后代的发育时间更长,羽化成功率更低。我们的研究结果表明,水的可用性对雌性健康有不利影响,但尽管雄性交配行为发生了变化,但这些影响与雄性交配成本的变化无关。我们还发现,与无法获得水的雌性相比,能够获得水的雌性尽管寿命更长并且产卵数量相似,但其后代的发育时间更长,羽化成功率更低。我们的研究结果表明,水的可用性对雌性健康有不利影响,但尽管雄性交配行为发生了变化,但这些影响与雄性交配成本的变化无关。