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Investigation of indoor air quality in the ventilated ice rink arena
Atmospheric Pollution Research ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2020.02.002
Ewa Brągoszewska , Agnieszka Palmowska , Izabela Biedroń

The indoor air quality (IAQ) of an ice rink, located in the Upper Silesia Region of Southern Poland, was assessed during the winter holidays. Ice rinks are characterized by unusual conditions and multiple sources of pollution. This study evaluated the relative importance of the ventilation system (VS) for maintaining the indoor microenvironment in the ice rink. A preliminary investigation of the concentration levels and characteristics of the indoor and outdoor bacterial aerosol was conducted. Bacterial concentration levels were obtained using a six-stage Andersen cascade impactor. Bioaerosol particles, captured on nutrient media on Petri dishes, were quantitatively evaluated and qualitatively identified using a GEN III Biolog system. Concentration levels of airborne bacteria were above 103 CFU/m³, both when the VS system was turned off (990 CFU/m3) and when it was operational (740 CFU/m3). Results show that the mean concentration of bacteria aerosol was lower when the VS was active. There was a dominance of Gram-positive cocci identified in the indoor environment, which indicates that most of the bacteria present in the studied building were relatively fresh and mostly of human-origin. These data were used to estimate the ice rink exposure dose (IRED) of bioaerosols for building personnel and for children. The highest value of IRED over the study period was obtained for children (220 CFU kg−1).



在寒假期间,对位于波兰南部西里西亚地区的一个溜冰场的室内空气质量(IAQ)进行了评估。溜冰场的特点是条件异常和多种污染源。这项研究评估了通风系统(VS)对维持溜冰场室内微环境的相对重要性。对室内和室外细菌气溶胶的浓度水平和特性进行了初步研究。使用六级安徒生级联撞击器获得细菌浓度水平。使用GEN III Biolog系统定量评估并定性鉴定捕获在培养皿上营养培养基上的生物气溶胶颗粒。空气中细菌的浓度水平高于10 3 CVS /m³,无论是在VS系统关闭时(990 CFU / m 3),还是在运行时(740 CFU / m 3)。结果表明,当VS激活时,细菌气溶胶的平均浓度较低。在室内环境中,革兰氏阳性球菌占主导地位,这表明研究建筑物中存在的大多数细菌都相对较新鲜,并且大多数是人类起源的。这些数据被用来估计溜冰场曝光量(IRED生物气溶胶)的建设人才和为儿童。对于儿童(220 CFU kg -1),在研究期内获得了最高的IRED值。
