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Ranking Computer Vision Service Issues using Emotion
arXiv - CS - Software Engineering Pub Date : 2020-04-07 , DOI: arxiv-2004.03120
Maheswaree K Curumsing, Alex Cummaudo, Ulrike Maria Graetsch, Scott Barnett, Rajesh Vasa

Software developers are increasingly using machine learning APIs to implement 'intelligent' features. Studies show that incorporating machine learning into an application increases technical debt, creates data dependencies, and introduces uncertainty due to non-deterministic behaviour. However, we know very little about the emotional state of software developers who deal with such issues. In this paper, we do a landscape analysis of emotion found in 1,245 Stack Overflow posts about computer vision APIs. We investigate the application of an existing emotion classifier EmoTxt and manually verify our results. We found that the emotion profile varies for different question categories.



软件开发人员越来越多地使用机器学习 API 来实现“智能”功能。研究表明,将机器学习纳入应用程序会增加技术债务、产生数据依赖性,并由于非确定性行为而引入不确定性。然而,我们对处理此类问题的软件开发人员的情绪状态知之甚少。在本文中,我们对 1,245 篇 Stack Overflow 上关于计算机视觉 API 的帖子中的情绪进行了横向分析。我们调查了现有情感分类器 EmoTxt 的应用,并手动验证了我们的结果。我们发现不同问题类别的情绪特征有所不同。