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Interpreted Programming Language Extension for 3D Render on the Web
arXiv - CS - Graphics Pub Date : 2020-04-03 , DOI: arxiv-2004.01683
Amaro Duarte, Esmitt Ramirez

There are tools to ease the 2D/3D graphics development for programmers. Sometimes, these are not directly accessible for all users requiring commercial licenses or based on trials, or long learning periods before to use them. In the modern world, the time to release final programs is crucial for the company successfully, also for saving money. Then, if programmers can handle tools to minimize the development time using well-known programming languages, they can deliver final programs on time, with minimum effort. This concept is the goal of this paper, offering a tool to create 3D renders over a familiarize programming language to speed up the web development time process. We present an extension of an interpreted programming language with an easy syntax to display 3D graphics on the web generating a template in a well-known web programming language, which can be customized and extended. Our proposal is based on Lua programming language as the input language for programmers, offering a web editor which interprets its syntax and exporting templates in WebGL over Javascript, also getting immediate output in a web browser. Tests show the effectiveness of our approach focus on the written code lines, also getting the expected output using a few computational resources.



有一些工具可以简化程序员的2D / 3D图形开发。有时,并非所有需要商业许可证或基于试用的用户都可以直接访问这些许可证,或者需要较长的学习时间才能使用它们。在现代世界中,发布最终程序的时间对于公司成功以及节省资金至关重要。然后,如果程序员可以使用众所周知的编程语言来处理工具以最大程度地减少开发时间,则他们可以不费吹灰之力按时交付最终程序。这个概念是本文的目标,它提供了一种工具,可以通过熟悉的编程语言来创建3D渲染,从而加快Web开发时间。我们提供了一种解释性编程语言的扩展,它具有易于使用的语法,可以在Web上显示3D图形,从而以众所周知的Web编程语言生成模板,可以对其进行自定义和扩展。我们的建议基于Lua编程语言作为程序员的输入语言,它提供了一个Web编辑器来解释其语法并通过Java脚本在WebGL中导出模板,并且还可以在Web浏览器中立即获得输出。测试表明,我们的方法的有效性集中在编写的代码行上,还使用少量计算资源来获得预期的输出。也可以在Web浏览器中立即获得输出。测试表明,我们的方法的有效性集中在编写的代码行上,还使用少量计算资源来获得预期的输出。也可以在Web浏览器中立即获得输出。测试表明,我们的方法的有效性集中在编写的代码行上,还使用少量计算资源来获得预期的输出。