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Deprescribing in Epilepsy: Do No Harm.
JAMA Neurology ( IF 29.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.0473
Samuel W Terman 1 , Herm J Lamberink 2 , Kees P J Braun 2

A simple search of PubMed reveals striking insight. Querying the term prescribing yields 44 379 hits. In contrast, deprescribing yields only 672. Completing this exercise for a neurological condition such as epilepsy prescribing and epilepsy deprescribing yields similar results: 408 hits for the former and 3 for the latter. While this search is clearly overly simplistic, it illustrates a crucial point: attention is tremendously imbalanced.

What is the result? Half of US adults older than 65 years take 5 or more medications.1 It is no surprise that one survey found 67% of patients wanted to reduce their number of daily pills and 92% would be willing to stop a medication if their physician said it was possible.1 The emerging field of deprescribing—the systematic process of discontinuing drugs where harms outweigh benefits in the context of an individual patient’s values—seeks to rescue patients and clinicians alike.



简单搜索PubMed即可发现惊人的洞察力。查询“处方”一词可产生44 379次匹配。相比之下,开处方仅产生672次。针对神经系统疾病(如癫痫开处方癫痫开处方)完成此练习可获得相似的结果:前者408次,后者3次。尽管此搜索显然过于简单,但它说明了一个关键点:注意力极为不平衡。

