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Acute high temperature exposure impairs hypoxia tolerance in an intertidal fish.
PLOS ONE ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231091
Tristan J McArley 1 , Anthony J R Hickey 2 , Neill A Herbert 1

Acute heat shock has previously been shown to improve subsequent low O2 (hypoxia) tolerance in an intertidal fish species, a process known as cross-tolerance, but it is not known whether this is a widespread phenomenon. This study examined whether a rock pool specialist, the triplefin fish Bellapiscis medius, exhibits heat shock induced cross-tolerance to hypoxia, i.e., longer time to loss of equilibrium (LOE) and lower critical O2 saturation (Scrit) after recovering from an acute heat challenge. Non-heat shock controls had a median time to loss of equilibrium (LOE50) of 54.4 min under severe hypoxia (7% of air saturation) and a Scrit of 15.8% air saturation. Contrary to expectations, however, treatments that received an 8 or 10°C heat shock showed a significantly shorter LOE50 in hypoxia (+8°C = 41.5 min; +10°C = 28.7 min) and no significant change in Scrit (+8°C = 17.0% air saturation; +10°C = 18.3% of air saturation). Thus, there was no evidence of heat shock induced cross-tolerance to hypoxia in B. medius because exposure to acute heat shock impaired hypoxia tolerance.



先前已经显示,急性热激可以改善潮间鱼类的低O 2(低氧)耐受性,这一过程称为交叉耐受,但尚不清楚这是否是普遍现象。这项研究检查了岩石池专家三鳍鱼Bellapiscis medius是否表现出热激诱导的对缺氧的交叉耐受性,即从水体中恢复后失去平衡的时间更长(LOE)和临界O 2饱和度更低(S crit)。急性热挑战。非热休克控制的中位时间来平衡损耗(LOE 50的严重缺氧下54.4分钟)(空气饱和度的7%)和A S15.8%的空气饱和度。然而,与预期相反,接受8或10°C热休克的治疗显示缺氧时LOE 50明显缩短(+ 8°C = 41.5分钟; + 10°C = 28.7分钟),S临界值无明显变化( + 8°C = 17.0%的空气饱和度; + 10°C = 18.3%的空气饱和度)。因此,没有证据表明热休克对B的缺氧有交叉耐受性。medius,因为暴露于急性热休克削弱了低氧耐受性。
