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The influence of raw material availability and utility power consumption on the sustainability of the ammonia process
Chemical Engineering Research and Design ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2020.03.020
Sherard Sadeek , Thérèse Lee Chan , Rukam Ramdath , Aqueel Rajkumar , Miao Guo , Keeran Ward

Trinidad and Tobago, one of the largest exporters of ammonia globally, has seen recent declines in natural gas availability making cutbacks in productivity necessary. This paper investigates, for the first time, effects of natural gas availability on environmental burden and operational profit across the ammonia process. Utilizing Aspen® Plus, a model ammonia plant was designed and validated against current plant operations. The results indicated that as gas charge decreases, the specific energy demand increases, due to increased steam demand for CO2 removal. The findings also showed that below a threshold of 98% gas charge, there was a direct loss in profit of US$10.3 million/year with increase in specific energy demand of up to 10%. Furthermore, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) indicated, through the utilization of CO2, greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions by 64.84% while fuel combustion was the main “hotspot”, contributing up to 91% across all impact categories. Insights into decreasing the environmental impacts were also considered with results showing that an increase in productivity (US$79,000/year) increases environmental burden. Moreover, useful power generation provides environmental benefits by 6% across all impact categories. Thus, specific energy demand along with CO2 utilization should be carefully considered for a more sustainable ammonia process.



特立尼达和多巴哥是全球最大的氨气出口国之一,最近看到天然气供应量下降,因此有必要削减生产率。本文首次调查了整个氨气工艺过程中天然气可得性对环境负担和运营利润的影响。利用Aspen®Plus,设计了模拟氨工厂,并针对当前工厂运行进行了验证。结果表明,随着气体充入量的减少,由于对CO 2的蒸汽需求增加,单位能量需求增加。去除。调查结果还显示,在天然气充注量低于98%的门槛下,每年直接产生1030万美元的利润损失,具体能源需求增加高达10%。此外,生命周期评估(LCA)指出,通过利用CO 2,温室气体(GHG)减少了64.84%,而燃料燃烧是主要的“热点”,在所有影响类别中的贡献高达91%。还考虑到减少环境影响的见解,结果表明生产力的提高(每年79,000美元)增加了环境负担。此外,在所有影响类别中,有用的发电都可为环境带来6%的收益。因此,特定的能量需求与CO 2一起 为使氨工艺更具可持续性,应仔细考虑其利用率。
