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AFS Idaho Chapter 2020 Annual Meeting – Navigating the Challenges of Science Communication
Fisheries ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10436
Tim Copeland

The Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (ICAFS) held its 58th annual meeting at the Coeur d’Alene Resort in beautiful Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, March 10–13, 2020. The venue featured lakeside views with easy access to the North Idaho Centennial Trail where the 2.5k/5k Spawning Run was held. Attendees included 181 professionals, 18 young professionals, 49 students, and 9 retirees. The student registrants were from 6 colleges/universities and 2 high schools. The professional registrants were from 8 tribes, 6 state agencies, 7 federal agencies, 11 schools, 3 NGOs, 4 utilities, 2 municipalities, and 17 private individuals.



2020年3月10日至13日,美国渔业协会(ICAFS)爱达荷州分会在爱达荷州美丽的Coeur d'Alene的Coeur d'Alene度假胜地举行了第58届年会。该会场享有湖边景色,可轻松前往北部爱达荷州百年纪念径,举行了2.5k / 5k产卵跑。与会者包括181名专业人员,18名年轻专业人员,49名学生和9名退休人员。学生注册者来自6所大学/大学和2所高中。专业注册者来自8个部落,6个州机构,7个联邦机构,11个学校,3个非政府组织,4个公用事业,2个城市和17个私人。