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Avoiding collisions at any (low) cost: ADS-B like position broadcast for UAVs
arXiv - CS - Networking and Internet Architecture Pub Date : 2020-03-30 , DOI: arxiv-2003.13499
Franco Minucci, Evgenii Vinogradov and Sofie Pollin

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), a.k.a. drones, are increasingly used for different tasks. With more drones in the sky, the risk of accidents rises, sparkling the need for conflict management solutions. Aircraft use a system called Automatic Dependent System-Broadcast (ADS-B) to continuously broadcast their position and speed but this system is not suitable for small drones because of its cost, complexity and capacity limitations. Broadband technologies such as Wi-Fi beacons are more suited for such dense scenarios, and they also offer the benefit of wide availability and low cost. The main challenges for Wi-Fi are (a) the multi-channel nature of the technology makes transmitter and receiver coordination difficult, and (b) standard chipsets are not designed for frequent broadcast transmission and reception. In this paper, we propose and analyze a multi-channel position broadcast solution that is robust against jamming and achieves a reliable location update within 125~ms. In addition, we implement the protocol on inexpensive embedded Wi-Fi modules and analyze the hardware limitations of such devices. Our conclusions are that even on the simplest Wi-Fi chipsets, our protocol can be implemented to achieve a realistic location broadcast solution that still perfectly mimics simulation and analytical results on the lab bench and still can achieve approximately 4~message/s throughput at a distance of 900~m on flying UAVs.


以任何(低)成本避免碰撞:类似 ADS-B 的无人机位置广播

无人驾驶飞行器 (UAV),又名无人机,越来越多地用于不同的任务。随着越来越多的无人机在空中飞行,发生事故的风险也随之上升,引发了对冲突管理解决方案的需求。飞机使用一种称为自动相关系统广播 (ADS-B) 的系统来连续广播其位置和速度,但由于成本、复杂性和容量限制,该系统不适合小型无人机。Wi-Fi 信标等宽带技术更适合这种密集场景,它们还具有广泛可用性和低成本的优势。Wi-Fi 的主要挑战是 (a) 该技术的多通道特性使发射器和接收器的协调变得困难,以及 (b) 标准芯片组不是为频繁的广播传输和接收而设计的。在本文中,我们提出并分析了一种多通道位置广播解决方案,该解决方案对干扰具有鲁棒性,并在 125~ms 内实现了可靠的位置更新。此外,我们在廉价的嵌入式 Wi-Fi 模块上实现了该协议,并分析了此类设备的硬件限制。我们的结论是,即使在最简单的 Wi-Fi 芯片组上,我们的协议也可以实现以实现真实的定位广播解决方案,该解决方案仍然可以完美地模拟实验室工作台上的模拟和分析结果,并且仍然可以实现大约 4 消息/秒的吞吐量飞行无人机的距离为 900~m。我们在廉价的嵌入式 Wi-Fi 模块上实现了该协议,并分析了此类设备的硬件限制。我们的结论是,即使在最简单的 Wi-Fi 芯片组上,我们的协议也可以实现以实现真实的定位广播解决方案,该解决方案仍然可以完美地模拟实验室工作台上的模拟和分析结果,并且仍然可以实现大约 4 消息/秒的吞吐量飞行无人机的距离为 900 米。我们在廉价的嵌入式 Wi-Fi 模块上实现了该协议,并分析了此类设备的硬件限制。我们的结论是,即使在最简单的 Wi-Fi 芯片组上,我们的协议也可以实现以实现真实的定位广播解决方案,该解决方案仍然可以完美地模拟实验室工作台上的模拟和分析结果,并且仍然可以实现大约 4 消息/秒的吞吐量飞行无人机的距离为 900 米。