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Prediction of the uptake of Cd by rice (Oryza sativa) in paddy soils by a multi-surface model.
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 9.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138289
Yan Li 1 , Cun Liu 2 , Liping Weng 3 , Xinxin Ye 4 , Bo Sun 5 , Dongmei Zhou 2 , Yujun Wang 1

The uptake of Cd by crops from soils is predominantly determined by the concentration and speciation of Cd in soil solution, which is controlled by soil physicochemical properties such as soil pH, soil minerals and organic matter, etc. Water management significantly affects soil pH, and especially soil pH is driven to be neutral under continuous flooding treatment. In the present study, the multi-surface models (MSMs) were modified to determine Cd partitioning in soils for prediction of Cd uptake by rice grain, with multiple parameter or setup changes including: (1) soil pH was considered as variables to improve the accuracy of model prediction for paddy soils; (2) practical co-existing cation concentration and ionic strength were derived from electron conductivity to improve the universality of model. Our results suggested that the modified MSMs model provided a better prediction for the actual uptake by rice grain and a more consistent Cd distribution pattern in paddy soils.


