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Cancer screening among racial/ethnic groups in health centers.
International Journal for Equity in Health ( IF 4.666 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-27 , DOI: 10.1186/s12939-020-1153-5
De-Chih Lee , Hailun Liang , Nanqian Chen , Leiyu Shi , Ying Liu

Underserved and low-income population are placed at a disadvantage for receiving necessary cancer screenings. This study aims to measure the rates of receiving three types of cancer screening services, Pap test, mammogram and colorectal cancer screening, among patients seen at U.S. health centers (HCs) to investigate if cancer screening among patients varies by race/ethnicity. We analyzed data from the 2014 U.S. Health Center Patient Survey, and included samples age 21 and above. We examined three cancer screening indicators as our dependent variables including cervical, breast, and colorectal cancer screening. Logistic regressions were used to assess the racial/ethnic disparities on cancer screening, while controlling for potentially confounding factors. The rates of receiving three types of cancer screening were comparable and even higher among HC patients than those for the U.S. general population. Both bivariate and multivariate results showed there were racial/ethnic differences in the likelihood of receiving cancer screening services. However, the differences did not favor non-Hispanic Whites. African Americans had higher odds than Whites (OR: 1.92, 95% CI: 1.44–2.55, p < 0.001) of receiving Pap tests. Similar results were also found in measures of the receipt of mammogram (OR = 1.96, 95% CI: 1.46–2.64, P < 0.001) and colorectal cancer screening (OR = 1.28, 95% CI: 1.02–1.60, p < 0.05). The current study presents U.S. nationally representative estimates and imply that HCs are helping fulfill an important role as a health care safety-net in reducing racial/ethnic disparities in the delivery of cancer screening services.



服务不足和低收入人群处于接受必要的癌症筛查的不利地位。这项研究旨在衡量在美国卫生中心(HCs)所见患者中接受三种类型的癌症筛查服务(巴氏试验,乳房X线照片和结肠直肠癌筛查)的比率,以调查患者的癌症筛查是否因种族/民族而异。我们分析了2014年美国健康中心患者调查的数据,其中包括21岁及以上的样本。我们检查了三个癌症筛查指标作为我们的因变量,包括宫颈癌,乳腺癌和大肠癌筛查。Logistic回归用于评估癌症筛查中的种族/种族差异,同时控制潜在的混杂因素。HC患者中接受三种类型的癌症筛查的比率相当,甚至高于美国普通人群。双变量和多变量结果均显示,接受癌症筛查服务的可能性存在种族/种族差异。但是,这种差异并不有利于非西班牙裔白人。非裔美国人接受巴氏检测的几率高于白人(OR:1.92,95%CI:1.44–2.55,p <0.001)。在乳腺X射线照片的接收测量(OR = 1.96,95%CI:1.46-2.64,P <0.001)和结直肠癌筛查中也发现了类似的结果(OR = 1.28,95%CI:1.02-1.60,P <0.05) 。当前的研究提出了美国