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Three decades of data on phytoplankton and phycotoxins on the French coast: Lessons from REPHY and REPHYTOX
Harmful Algae ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2019.101733
Catherine Belin , Dominique Soudant , Zouher Amzil

In France, REPHY (Observation and Surveillance Network for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in coastal waters) and REPHYTOX (Monitoring Network for Phycotoxins in marine organisms) have been contributing to long-term time series on ocean health for more than 30 years. The aim of this paper is to describe these networks and to highlight their key results. Over the last 20 years, phytoplankton flora analysis on French coasts from the Channel to Mediterranean has shown that the five “emblematic” taxa are Chaetoceros, Skeletonema, Cryptophyceae, Leptocylindrus and Pseudo-nitzschia. The latter, together with the taxa of interest Dinophysis + Phalacroma, Alexandrium, and Karenia, have been consistently recorded along the entire French coastline. However, when taking into account frequency of occurrence some taxa exhibit more distinct geographical distributions. In particular, the occurrence of Phaeocystis appeared to be strongly specific to the northern coasts of the Channel. French coasts have been regularly affected since the 1980s by the presence of toxins in bivalve molluscs, leading to bans on fishing and sale of shellfish during periods of varying duration. Three categories of toxins were involved. PST and AST were absent from the French coasts, respectively before 1988 and 2000. DST (Diarrheic Shellfish Toxins) have affected many areas along the whole coast every year since 1987. For PST (Paralytic Shellfish Toxins), only a few areas have been affected, sometimes sporadically, since 1988 in the Channel, 1993 in the Atlantic, and 1998 in the Mediterranean. Many areas have been impacted since 2000 by AST (Amnesic Shellfish Toxins) episodes, mainly affecting scallops in the Channel and on Atlantic coasts. The patterns of change of shellfish toxicity episodes showed no real trend in any province over the entire period 1987–2018.



在法国,REPHY(沿海水域浮游植物和水文观测和监视网络)和REPHYTOX(海洋生物中的植物毒素的监测网络)已经为海洋健康的长期时间序列做出了贡献,已有30多年的历史了。本文的目的是描述这些网络并突出其主要结果。在过去的20年中,从海峡到地中海的法国沿海地区的浮游植物区系分析表明,五个“具”类群是ChaetocerosSkeletonema,Cryptophyceae,LeptocylindrusPseudo- Nitzschia。后者,连同利息的类群鳍藻+ Phalacroma亚历山大卡列尼亚(Karenia),在整个法国海岸线上都得到了一致记录。但是,当考虑到发生频率时,某些分类单元显示出更明显的地理分布。特别是囊肿的发生似乎特别针对海峡北岸。自1980年代以来,双壳贝类软体动物中存在毒素,法国沿海经常受到影响,导致在不同时期内禁止捕捞和出售贝类。涉及三类毒素。法国沿海地区分别在1988年和2000年之前没有PST和AST。自1987年以来,DST(腹泻性贝类毒素)每年都影响整个沿海地区。对于PST(麻痹性贝类毒素)而言,只有少数地区受到了影响。有时是零星的,自1988年以来在海峡,1993年在大西洋,1998年在地中海。自2000年以来,许多地区受到AST(失忆性贝类毒素)事件的影响,主要影响海峡和大西洋沿岸的扇贝。
