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Statistical properties of twisted Gaussian Schell-model array beams in anisotropic ocean
Optik ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2020.164612
Miaomiao Tang , Hehe Li

The effect of anisotropic oceanic turbulence on propagation characteristics of twist Gaussian Schell-model array beams is investigated. The analytical expression for the cross-spectral density function of such beam propagating through turbulent ocean is derived and used to explore the evolution behavior of the spectral intensity and the degree of coherence. An example illustrates the fact that, the most important oceanic effect is destroying the far zone lattice-like beam profile, and the beam shape eventually converges into Gaussian profile. Besides, after passing through the turbulence at sufficiently large distances from the source, the twist phase modulation of the second-order statistical properties is shown to be suppressed by the turbulence fluctuation, the spectral intensity evolves in the same way with different twist strength, and so is the case for the degree of coherence. The impacts, which arise from the source coherence and the turbulence parameters on beam characteristics are analyzed in detail.



