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Modelling High-Order Social Relations for Item Recommendation
arXiv - CS - Information Retrieval Pub Date : 2020-03-23 , DOI: arxiv-2003.10149
Yang Liu, Liang Chen, Xiangnan He, Jiaying Peng, Zibin Zheng, Jie Tang

The prevalence of online social network makes it compulsory to study how social relations affect user choice. However, most existing methods leverage only first-order social relations, that is, the direct neighbors that are connected to the target user. The high-order social relations, e.g., the friends of friends, which very informative to reveal user preference, have been largely ignored. In this work, we focus on modeling the indirect influence from the high-order neighbors in social networks to improve the performance of item recommendation. Distinct from mainstream social recommenders that regularize the model learning with social relations, we instead propose to directly factor social relations in the predictive model, aiming at learning better user embeddings to improve recommendation. To address the challenge that high-order neighbors increase dramatically with the order size, we propose to recursively "propagate" embeddings along the social network, effectively injecting the influence of high-order neighbors into user representation. We conduct experiments on two real datasets of Yelp and Douban to verify our High-Order Social Recommender (HOSR) model. Empirical results show that our HOSR significantly outperforms recent graph regularization-based recommenders NSCR and IF-BPR+, and graph convolutional network-based social influence prediction model DeepInf, achieving new state-of-the-arts of the task.



在线社交网络的盛行使得研究社交关系如何影响用户选择成为必要。然而,大多数现有方法仅利用一阶社会关系,即与目标用户连接的直接邻居。高阶社会关系,例如朋友的朋友,对于揭示用户偏好非常有用,但在很大程度上被忽略了。在这项工作中,我们专注于对社交网络中高阶邻居的间接影响进行建模,以提高项目推荐的性能。与使用社会关系规范模型学习的主流社会推荐器不同,我们建议直接在预测模型中考虑社会关系,旨在学习更好的用户嵌入以改进推荐。为了解决高阶邻居随着订单大小急剧增加的挑战,我们建议沿着社交网络递归“传播”嵌入,有效地将高阶邻居的影响注入到用户表示中。我们在 Yelp 和豆瓣的两个真实数据集上进行实验,以验证我们的高阶社交推荐 (HOSR) 模型。实证结果表明,我们的 HOSR 显着优于最近的基于图正则化的推荐器 NSCR 和 IF-BPR+,以及基于图卷积网络的社会影响预测模型 DeepInf,实现了该任务的最新技术水平。我们在 Yelp 和豆瓣的两个真实数据集上进行实验,以验证我们的高阶社交推荐 (HOSR) 模型。实证结果表明,我们的 HOSR 显着优于最近的基于图正则化的推荐器 NSCR 和 IF-BPR+,以及基于图卷积网络的社会影响预测模型 DeepInf,实现了该任务的最新技术水平。我们在 Yelp 和豆瓣的两个真实数据集上进行实验,以验证我们的高阶社交推荐 (HOSR) 模型。实证结果表明,我们的 HOSR 显着优于最近的基于图正则化的推荐器 NSCR 和 IF-BPR+,以及基于图卷积网络的社会影响预测模型 DeepInf,实现了该任务的最新技术水平。