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Genetic Strain Diversity of Multi-Host RNA Viruses that Infect a Wide Range of Pollinators and Associates is Shaped by Geographic Origins.
Viruses ( IF 5.818 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-24 , DOI: 10.3390/v12030358
Jana Dobelmann 1 , Antoine Felden 1 , Philip J Lester 1

Emerging viruses have caused concerns about pollinator population declines, as multi-host RNA viruses may pose a health threat to pollinators and associated arthropods. In order to understand the ecology and impact these viruses have, we studied their host range and determined to what extent host and spatial variation affect strain diversity. Firstly, we used RT-PCR to screen pollinators and associates, including honey bees (Apis mellifera) and invasive Argentine ants (Linepithema humile), for virus presence and replication. We tested for the black queen cell virus (BQCV), deformed wing virus (DWV), and Kashmir bee virus (KBV) that were initially detected in bees, and the two recently discovered Linepithema humile bunya-like virus 1 (LhuBLV1) and Moku virus (MKV). DWV, KBV, and MKV were detected and replicated in a wide range of hosts and commonly co-infected hymenopterans. Secondly, we placed KBV and DWV in a global phylogeny with sequences from various countries and hosts to determine the association of geographic origin and host with shared ancestry. Both phylogenies showed strong geographic rather than host-specific clustering, suggesting frequent inter-species virus transmission. Transmission routes between hosts are largely unknown. Nonetheless, avoiding the introduction of non-native species and diseased pollinators appears important to limit spill overs and disease emergence.



新兴病毒引起了对传粉媒介数量下降的担忧,因为多宿主RNA病毒可能对传粉媒介和相关节肢动物构成健康威胁。为了了解这些病毒的生态学和影响,我们研究了它们的寄主范围,并确定了寄主和空间变异在多大程度上影响了菌株的多样性。首先,我们使用RT-PCR筛选授粉者和相关者,包括蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)和侵入性阿根廷蚂蚁(Linepithema humile),以了解病毒的存在和复制。我们测试了最初在蜜蜂中发现的黑皇后细胞病毒(BQCV),变形翼病毒(DWV)和克什米尔蜂病毒(KBV),以及最近发现的两种Linepithema humile bunya-like病毒1(LhuBLV1)和Moku病毒(MKV)。DWV,KBV,MKV和MKV被检测到并在多种宿主和常见的共同感染的膜翅目动物中复制。其次,我们将KBV和DWV放在具有来自不同国家和宿主的序列的全球系统发育中,以确定地理起源和宿主与共同祖先的关联。两种系统发育都表现出较强的地理而不是宿主特异性的聚类,表明种间病毒频繁传播。主机之间的传输路径在很大程度上是未知的。但是,避免引入非本地物种和患病的传粉者似乎对限制溢出和疾病的出现很重要。两种系统发育都表现出较强的地理而不是宿主特异性聚类,表明种间病毒频繁传播。主机之间的传输路径在很大程度上是未知的。但是,避免引入非本地物种和患病的传粉者似乎对限制溢出和疾病的出现很重要。两种系统发育都表现出较强的地理而不是宿主特异性的聚类,表明种间病毒频繁传播。主机之间的传输路径在很大程度上是未知的。但是,避免引入非本地物种和患病的传粉者似乎对限制溢出和疾病的出现很重要。