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Microcirculatory dysfunction and dead-space ventilation in early ARDS: a hypothesis-generating observational study
Annals of Intensive Care ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-24 , DOI: 10.1186/s13613-020-00651-1
Gustavo A. Ospina-Tascón , Diego F. Bautista , Humberto J. Madriñán , Juan D. Valencia , William F. Bermúdez , Edgardo Quiñones , Luis Eduardo Calderón-Tapia , Glenn Hernandez , Alejandro Bruhn , Daniel De Backer


Ventilation/perfusion inequalities impair gas exchange in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Although increased dead-space ventilation (VD/VT) has been described in ARDS, its mechanism is not clearly understood. We sought to evaluate the relationships between dynamic variations in VD/VT and extra-pulmonary microcirculatory blood flow detected at sublingual mucosa hypothesizing that an altered microcirculation, which is a generalized phenomenon during severe inflammatory conditions, could influence ventilation/perfusion mismatching manifested by increases in VD/VT fraction during early stages of ARDS.


Forty-two consecutive patients with early moderate and severe ARDS were included. PEEP was set targeting the best respiratory-system compliance after a PEEP-decremental recruitment maneuver. After 60 min of stabilization, hemodynamics and respiratory mechanics were recorded and blood gases collected. VD/VT was calculated from the CO2 production (\(V_{{{\text{CO}}_{2} }}\)) and CO2 exhaled fraction (\(F_{{{\text{ECO}}_{2} }}\)) measurements by volumetric capnography. Sublingual microcirculatory images were simultaneously acquired using a sidestream dark-field device for an ulterior blinded semi-quantitative analysis. All measurements were repeated 24 h after.


Percentage of small vessels perfused (PPV) and microcirculatory flow index (MFI) were inverse and significantly related to VD/VT at baseline (Spearman’s rho = − 0.76 and − 0.63, p < 0.001; R2 = 0.63, and 0.48, p < 0.001, respectively) and 24 h after (Spearman’s rho = − 0.71, and − 0.65; p < 0.001; R2 = 0.66 and 0.60, p < 0.001, respectively). Other respiratory, macro-hemodynamic and oxygenation parameters did not correlate with VD/VT. Variations in PPV between baseline and 24 h were inverse and significantly related to simultaneous changes in VD/VT (Spearman’s rho = − 0.66, p < 0.001; R2 = 0.67, p < 0.001).


Increased heterogeneity of microcirculatory blood flow evaluated at sublingual mucosa seems to be related to increases in VD/VT, while respiratory mechanics and oxygenation parameters do not. Whether there is a cause–effect relationship between microcirculatory dysfunction and dead-space ventilation in ARDS should be addressed in future research.




通气/灌注不均会损害急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)中的气体交换。尽管ARDS中描述了增加的死角通气量(V D / V T),但其机理尚不清楚。我们试图评估V D / V T的动态变化与舌下粘膜下检测到的肺外微循环血流量之间的关系,认为微循环改变是严重炎症条件下的普遍现象,可能影响通气/灌注失配,表现为增加V d / V Ť 在ARDS早期阶段的比例较低。


连续纳入了42例早期中重度ARDS患者。在PEEP减少招募策略后,PEEP的目标是达到最佳的呼吸系统顺应性。稳定60分钟后,记录血液动力学和呼吸力学并收集血气。V D / V T由CO 2产生量(\(V _ {{{text {CO}} _ {2}}} \))和CO 2呼出分数(\(F _ {{{\ text {ECO }} _ {2}}} \))通过体积二氧化碳图进行测量。使用侧流暗场设备同时采集舌下微循环图像,以进行下眼盲的半定量分析。24小时后重复所有测量。


灌注的小血管百分比(PPV)和微循环流量指数(MFI)与基线时的V D / V T呈负相关(Spearman's rho = − 0.76和− 0.63,p  <0.001;R 2  = 0.63和0.48, 分别为p <0.001和24小时后(Spearman的rho =-0.71和-0.65; p  <0.001; R 2  = 0.66和0.60,p  <0.001)。其他呼吸,宏观血液动力学和氧合参数与V D / V T不相关。基线和24 h之间PPV的变化是相反的,并且与V D / V T的同时变化显着相关(Spearman的rho = − 0.66,p  <0.001;R 2  = 0.67,p  <0.001)。


在舌下粘膜处评估的微循环血流异质性增加似乎与V D / V T的增加有关,而呼吸力学和氧合参数却不相关。ARDS中微循环功能障碍与死腔通气之间是否存在因果关系,应在以后的研究中解决。
