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A Gap in the Armor: Spearfishing Reduces Biomass of Invasive Suckermouth Armored Catfish
Fisheries ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-24 , DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10410
Caleb S. Blanton 1 , Joshuah S. Perkin 2 , Nick Menchaca 3 , Kristy A. Kollaus 4

Introduced Suckermouth Armored Catfish (SAC; family Loricariidae) have invaded freshwater ecosystems globally. In the San Marcos River, Texas, control of invasive SAC includes spearfishing through public tournaments and contracted spearfishing, yet the effectiveness of these control efforts is unquantified. We used a recently developed length‐based Bayesian biomass estimation method to assess spearfishing mortality relative to natural mortality and existing biomass relative to an unexploited population. During 2014–2018, 6,046 SAC were removed and measured (total length, cm) from the San Marcos River through spearfishing. Using the length‐based Bayesian biomass, we found fishing pressure increased mortality 1.50‐ to 1.75‐fold relative to natural mortality, and that relative biomass during 2016–2018 was significantly below the threshold at which stock depletion occurs. Our application of fishery stock assessment provides quantitative benchmarks for invasive species control and can be applied to other invaded systems where control methods are unassessed but length data from removed individuals are available.



引入的萨克茅斯装甲Cat鱼(SAC; Lo科)已经在全球范围内入侵了淡水生态系统。在得克萨斯州的圣马科斯河,侵袭性SAC的控制包括通过公开比赛和合同化的鱼枪捕捞来进行鱼枪捕捞,但这些控制措施的有效性尚不确定。我们使用了最近开发的基于长度的贝叶斯生物量估计方法来评估相对于自然死亡率的sp鱼死亡率和相对于未利用种群的现有生物量。在2014–2018年期间,通过留鱼活动从圣马科斯河移除了6,046个SAC,并进行了测量(总长,cm)。使用基于长度的贝叶斯生物量,我们发现捕鱼压力相对于自然死亡率将死亡率提高了1.50倍至1.75倍,而且2016-2018年期间的相对生物量大大低于发生种群枯竭的阈值。我们在渔业种群评估中的应用为入侵物种的控制提供了定量基准,并且可以应用于未评估控制方法但可以从被移除个体获得长度数据的其他入侵系统。