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A history of antipsychiatry in four books.
The Lancet Psychiatry ( IF 64.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(20)30106-1
Tom Burns

Psychiatry had good reason to feel pleased with itself 60 years ago. The effectiveness of psychoanalysis for neurotic disorders was still unchallenged and we were just reaping the benefits of two revolutionary new drug treatments. The introduction of chlorpromazine in Paris in 1952 “…tore through the civilized world like a whirlwind and engulfed the whole treatment of psychiatric disorders” ( BMJ 1954). The synthesis of haloperidol in 1958 swiftly followed. In 1952, Max Lurie in Cincinnati first coined the term antidepressant after a trial that investigated isoniazid for tuberculosis. The first tricyclic antidepressant, imipramine, was launched in 1958, with amitriptyline hard on its heels in 1961.



60年前,精神病学有充分的理由对自己感到满意。精神分析对神经系统疾病的有效性仍然没有受到挑战,我们只是从两种革命性的新药治疗中获益。1952年,氯丙嗪在巴黎的引入“……像旋风一样在文明世界中撕裂,并吞噬了精神疾病的全部治疗方法”(BMJ 1954)。随后于1958年迅速合成氟哌啶醇。1952年,辛辛那提的马克斯·卢里(Max Lurie)在研究异烟肼治疗结核病的试验后首次创造了“抗抑郁药”一词。第一种三环抗抑郁药丙咪嗪于1958年上市,阿米替林在1961年上市。