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Ten Little Fingers, Ten Little Toes: Can Toes Match Fingers for Haptic Discrimination?
IEEE Transactions on Haptics ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1109/toh.2020.2966969
Preeti Vyas , Feras Al Taha , Jeffrey R. Blum , Antoine Weill-Duflos , Jeremy R. Cooperstock

In comparison with fingers, toes are relatively unexplored candidates for multi-site haptic rendering. This is likely due to their reported susceptibility to erroneous perception of haptic stimuli, owing to their anatomical structure. We hypothesize that this shortcoming can be mitigated by careful design of the tactile encoding to account for the idiosyncrasies of toe perception. Our efforts to design such an encoding achieved an improved perceptual accuracy of 18% for poking and 16% for vibrotactile stimuli. As we demonstrate, in this article, the resulting perceptual accuracy achieved by the proposed tactile encoding approaches that of the fingers, allowing for consideration of the toes as a practical location to render multi-site haptic stimuli.



与手指相比,脚趾是多站点触觉渲染的相对未开发的候选者。这可能是由于据报道,由于他们的解剖结构,他们对触觉刺激的错误感知很敏感。我们假设可以通过仔细设计触觉编码以解决脚趾感知的特性来减轻这一缺点。我们设计这种编码的努力使戳戳的感知准确度提高了 18%,振动触觉刺激的感知准确度提高了 16%。正如我们在本文中所展示的,所提出的触觉编码所获得的感知准确性接近手指的感知准确性,允许将脚趾视为呈现多站点触觉刺激的实际位置。