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Visual Sensors Hardware Platforms: A Review
IEEE Sensors Journal ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-15 , DOI: 10.1109/jsen.2019.2952447
Daniel G. Costa

In the last two decades, visual sensor networks have been developed to gather visual data from different monitoring scenarios, directly contributing to the maturation of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications landscape. Such developments have evolved according to the releasing of new hardware platforms for the construction of sensor nodes, as well as the availability of low-power compatible cameras. Since sensor networks deployed for visual data sensing are inherently complex and resource-demanding, knowing how visual sensors have been created can give a better perception of how those networks have evolved and which innovations are expected for the next years. This article reviews past developments of visual sensors concerning the employed hardware platforms and cameras, providing a taxonomy for them and discussing how to choose the most appropriate hardware when designing and implementing modern (wireless) visual sensor networks.



在过去的二十年中,已经开发出视觉传感器网络来收集来自不同监控场景的视觉数据,直接促进了物联网 (IoT) 应用程序的成熟。随着用于构建传感器节点的新硬件平台的发布以及低功耗兼容相机的可用性,此类发展已经发展。由于部署用于视觉数据传感的传感器网络本质上是复杂且需要资源的,因此了解视觉传感器是如何创建的,可以更好地了解这些网络是如何发展的,以及未来几年预计会有哪些创新。本文回顾了过去关于所用硬件平台和相机的视觉传感器的发展,