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Revisiting affordance perception in contemporary virtual reality
Virtual Reality ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10055-020-00432-y
Ayush Bhargava , Kathryn M. Lucaites , Leah S. Hartman , Hannah Solini , Jeffrey W. Bertrand , Andrew C. Robb , Christopher C. Pagano , Sabarish V. Babu

Virtual reality (VR) applications have rapidly gained renewed popularity and are extensively employed for replicating real-life scenarios that may otherwise be impractical to recreate. All such VR applications require that the environments being used provide high levels of immersion and mimic their real-world counterpart in terms of size, distance, depth, and action capabilities. Many VR applications being developed for training and entertainment require users to traverse an immersive virtual environment (IVE), where determining whether one can pass through an opening or aperture is one of the most frequently made decisions. In this experiment, we empirically compare passability judgments made in an IVE to those made in the real world. Participants judged whether they could pass through various widths of an adjustable sliding doorway in the real world and in a to-scale virtual replica viewed through an HTC Vive head-mounted display. If uncertain of their initial judgments, participants were permitted to walk towards the doorway. Results indicate that participants accurately perceive their ability to pass through doorways in both the real world and VR. However, participants in VR required more exposure to dynamic information via movement through the IVE in order to reach a real-world level of perceptual accuracy.



虚拟现实(VR)应用程序迅速获得了新的普及,并被广泛用于复制现实生活中的场景,否则这些场景可能无法重新创建。所有此类VR应用程序都要求所使用的环境提供高度的沉浸感,并在大小,距离,深度和动作功能方面模仿其真实世界。正在开发用于训练和娱乐的许多VR应用程序,要求用户穿越一个沉浸式虚拟环境(IVE),在该环境中确定是否可以穿过开口或孔是最常做出的决定之一。在本实验中,我们将IVE中的可通过性判断与现实世界中的可通过性判断进行比较。参与者判断他们是否可以穿过现实世界中各种宽度的可调节滑动门,以及是否可以通过HTC Vive头戴式显示器观看的比例缩放虚拟副本。如果不确定他们最初的判断,则允许参与者走向门口。结果表明,参与者可以准确地感知自己在现实世界和VR中通过门道的能力。但是,VR参与者需要通过IVE的移动来更多地接触动态信息,以达到现实世界中的感知准确性水平。结果表明,参与者可以准确地感知自己在现实世界和VR中通过门道的能力。但是,VR参与者需要通过IVE的移动来更多地接触动态信息,以达到现实世界中的感知准确性水平。结果表明,参与者可以准确地感知自己在现实世界和VR中通过门道的能力。但是,VR参与者需要通过IVE的移动来更多地接触动态信息,以达到现实世界中的感知准确性水平。
