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Pastoralists’ use of income diversification as a strategy for adapting to social-ecological change in Samburu, Kenya
Regional Environmental Change ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10113-020-01612-x
Michael Lugard Lenaiyasa , Brett L. Bruyere , Jonathan Salerno , Tomas Pickering

Pastoralists in the Samburu region of Kenya, like many pastoralists around the world, have endured significant effects of social-ecological change. Improvements in infrastructure, access to education, roads, and cellular networks, combined with changing land tenure systems and impacts from more frequent extreme weather events place Samburu herders squarely in the middle of substantial change. In our study, we interviewed 100 pastoralists to determine how income sources changed over the past 20 years, following an extreme drought in 1998, as a measure of adapting to change. Questions about livestock holdings, income sources, and household demographics were used to conduct a cluster analysis and group comparisons that indicated Samburu pastoralists have chosen one of three primary paths in the past 20 years: increased herd size and retained pastoralism as a primary income source; reduced herd size but retained livestock herding as the primary income source, while adding other modest sources of income; and substantially reduced herd size and pursued non-herding options as a primary income source. Our results show a number of differences among Samburu pastoralists, and the extent to which paths were chosen primarily to alleviate adverse impacts from social-ecological change is unclear, as community members provided numerous explanations for changing herd size.


