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Bridging the research-management gap: landscape science in practice on public lands in the western United States
Landscape Ecology ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s10980-020-00970-5
Sarah K. Carter , David S. Pilliod , Travis Haby , Karen L. Prentice , Cameron L. Aldridge , Patrick J. Anderson , Zachary H. Bowen , John B. Bradford , Samuel A. Cushman , Joseph C. DeVivo , Michael C. Duniway , Ryan S. Hathaway , Lisa Nelson , Courtney A. Schultz , Rudy M. Schuster , E. Jamie Trammell , Jake F. Weltzin

Context Landscape science relies on foundational concepts of landscape ecology and seeks to understand the physical, biological, and human components of ecosystems to support land management decision-making. Incorporating landscape science into land management decisions, however, remains challenging. Many lands in the western United States are federally owned and managed for multiple uses, including recreation, conservation, and energy development. Objective We argue for stronger integration of landscape science into the management of these public lands. Methods We open by outlining the relevance of landscape science for public land planning, management, and environmental effects analysis, including pertinent laws and policies. We identify challenges to integrating landscape science into public land management, including the multijurisdictional nature and complicated spatial pattern of public lands, the capacity of agencies to identify and fill landscape science needs, and perceptions about the meaning of landscape approaches to management. Results We provide several recent examples related to landscape monitoring, restoration, reclamation, and conservation in which landscape science products were developed specifically to support decision-making. Conclusions We close by highlighting three actions—elevating the importance of science-management partnerships dedicated to coproducing actionable landscape science products, identifying where landscape science could foster efficiencies in the land-use planning process, and developing scenario-based landscape models for shrublands—that could improve landscape science support for public land planners and managers.



背景景观科学依赖于景观生态学的基本概念,并试图了解生态系统的物理、生物和人类组成部分,以支持土地管理决策。然而,将景观科学纳入土地管理决策仍然具有挑战性。美国西部的许多土地为联邦政府所有和管理,用于多种用途,包括娱乐、保护和能源开发。目标 我们主张将景观科学更有力地整合到这些公共土地的管理中。方法 我们首先概述了景观科学与公共土地规划、管理和环境影响分析的相关性,包括相关的法律和政策。我们确定了将景观科学融入公共土地管理的挑战,包括公共土地的多辖区性质和复杂的空间格局,机构识别和满足景观科学需求的能力,以及对景观管理方法意义的看法。结果 我们提供了几个与景观监测、恢复、复垦和保护相关的最新示例,其中专门开发了景观科学产品以支持决策。结论 我们最后强调三项行动——提高致力于共同生产可操作的景观科学产品的科学管理伙伴关系的重要性,确定景观科学可以在土地利用规划过程中提高效率的地方,